Thursday 27 February 2014

Water Conservation

Hi everyone J
I’m really happy to see you again. Today I’m going to talk about water conservation.

Why we have to preserve the water?
Water is the most important things of human life. If we don’t have water, we couldn't survive. Nowadays, we risk losing uncontaminated water as a result of human activities. We release added water to natural water source such as river, lake and sea. It's just one terrible habit from many human's awful habits!
If we don’t concern about water conservation, we won’t have usable water in the near future. 

So, let's start to save our water today!

How to start to conserve the water?
            It’s not a difficult method of water conservation. It’s super easy! When you use water, you should use it just for sufficiency. Don’t waste it! Especially, when you brush your teeth twice or three times a day, you shouldn't turn on running water why you are brushing your teeth. Because you will waste water for about 3 liters. It’s a shame to lose it in that way.

            Well! I'd like to introduce an interesting clip about water conservation. After you watch this clip, you might be change some of your habit about using water. Haha enjoy!

            Moreover, There are 100 ways to conserve water! Check it out at the link in the bottom. You’ll get 100 easy methods to save water >> << 

Thank you for your attention.
See you next time 

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