Tuesday 18 February 2014

My first favourite band...

Hi everyone,

This week on the blog we’re talking about our favourite music so I thought I would tell you about one of my favourite bands.

The first band I ever really liked is Queen, which is a band from the UK. I started to become interested in music when I was about 12 years old. Of course, Queen had been making music for many years before that time and I had always heard their songs growing up, but this was the time I really started to pay attention to their music. The lead singer, whose name was Freddie Mercury, was a musical genius but sadly, he passed away a year before I started listening to his music, so I’ve kind of been trying to catch up on the music he made ever since.

Everyone in my family loved Queen and the songs always remind me of my childhood. I still have vivid memories of seeing the band dressed up as women in the video for “I Want to Break Free”. It was very controversial at the time, but I was too young to realise and just found it funny.

A few of my good friends shared my love of the band and so we were considered a bit strange at school, but we didn’t care. We would spend hours talking about our favourite songs, and discussing John Deacon’s bouncy bass-playing, Brian May’s poodle hair and Roger Taylor’s beats. It was a nice time of my childhood and an introduction to what I consider real music made by really talented people.

I’ll leave you with one of my favourite memories, Queen playing live at Wembley stadium.


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