Wednesday 12 February 2014

Hi Guys!

I didn’t expect to work one day a blog but who can know the future? When someone told me that I had to do it, first I was really lazy and not interested in, but after I changed my mind thinking it could be a good idea to share my experience in New-Zealand with other people.

If you like sun and not warm, it’s the perfect place for you. Really, climate is awesome! Maybe because I arrived here during summer holiday. It must be really cold and windy in winter..

I arrived there is now one month ago, at the end of January. It looks like a long time for me because I’m going to leave the country in only five days.. I’m so sad to go back home in New-Caledonia! But holiday can’t be endless and it’s time too come back to school.

The mind-blowing thing in New-Zealand is people; Kiwis are so kind and helpful! If you are looking for something in the street, they’ll watch on their Iphone ( yeah, I have forgotten to mention all New-Zealand people have an Iphone..) where you  want to go. They are not busy but pretty calm and attentive because when they see you, first thing they ask you is ‘How are you’. I don’t exactly know if it’s a use or they really think what they say.. I hope. I like them!

Although it wasn’t my first travel abroad, because I went for three weeks in Australia last year, I’m still thinking New-Zealand is a terrific place! Not concerning tourist entertainments, it’s second-rate, but for all the amazing landscapes. Nature is present even in the town and you can have a beautiful walk in beaches and mountains are just 45 minutes by car or ferry.

I recommend you the huge and awesome Auckland’s Museum if you’re interested in Maori Culture and Queenstown place in the south Island which is fantastic!

Good luck in your travel!

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