Wednesday 12 February 2014

Hi everyone,
I’ve been in New Zealand for four months and now I feel that I’m ready to speak about my experience of living abroad.
My first impression about New Zealand was two years ago when I decided make an interchange here with my boyfriend. I’m a Brazilian and I really didn’t know much about this amazing country. The first photos that I saw make me fell in love for New Zealand!
Before I came here I was dreaming and counting days to arrive. I decided change my mobile’s background to a river’s photo that I found on internet. I haven’t known the exact place of this photo, but I knew this was in New Zealand!
After long days waiting our plane finally took off from Brazil. We arrived in New Zealand at 5.00 a.m. in an All Black’s match day and our host mother picked us up at the airport.
I felt the difference between Brazil and New Zealand on my first step out of the plane. All airport’s staff was smiling for everyone. I think this was awesome and very comfortable. I’ve got butterflies in my stomach during all flight and that attitude was really fantastic! I think when you do your first travel abroad its normal you feel this.
Our host family was chosen by our school, Kaplan, and was the best place that they could be chosen! Even in my dreams I couldn’t imagine some better. So, our first month was with them and they did everything for us. Not because it’s an order from school, but we could feel that they were pleasant in got us together. From the breakfast to sleep time everything was perfect!

After this first month we moved to an accommodation in the garden that a big house. Now we must cook, clean the house, wash clothes and go to supermarket every week, but I don’t have time to tell you about this part, so you’ll need wait for the next post J

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