Wednesday 12 February 2014

Good-bye Linda and Phil,

 In this morning, my host, Linda and Phil, had gone to Australia in order to see their grandchild. I'm going back to Japan in 2 days as well after tomorrow's graduation. In other words, this morning was the last time when we met unless I'm coming here again.
 I've stayed in their house for 1 year after all. We had a lot of time to know each other. Phil, the host father, loves rugby and cricket. Linda, the host mother, loves making cake and reading books. I think they are typical Kiwis. When I needed help, they helped me immediately without hesitation. Also they have been kind toward what I did and said.
 They gave me a bag when They left the house. There were two pieces of socks and a knit cap for Japan's winter in the bag. They prepared it for me although I hadn't done that because I hadn't expected it. When I saw them, I cried suddenly. I wanted to express my feeling  but I couldn't help saying "thank you" time and time again.


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