Wednesday 12 February 2014

Hello everyone.

I hope you have a good  time back there.
I want to describe  you the news experience that I have enjoyed around here.
It is being  so nice and exhilarating, and so uncommon experience to me.
I start my trip and I am not expecting a so awesome country.
Everything is so organized and the things are so beautiful, nothing here remember my country. Do not get me wrong, the society  is pretty similar, an the behaviour of the people is not so different, but is a uncommon air you know, a politeness that I can not describe to you, you all  have  to come and see.
But let`s try to enlighten you:

Traffic :
Do not have. SIMPLY  DO NOT HAVE. The traffic here is smooth there is a lot of cars but do not have traffic jam.
And in two weeks I have not seen  a single car accident.
The drivers stop to you cross the street even before you step in it. Quite different in my country that you have to look to both sides of street and make sure no car is coming.

The people are just amazing and friendly.
And there are people from almost any country of the word.
Koreans, Arabians, Chinese, Brazilians, Japanese, Indonesian…I f I keep going probably  I would go until tomorrow.

The food is fantastique.
You can eat food from so many different counties and the smells just made you more hungry.
You just can not resist.

There are a few things bad.I would probably not say bad, but  not so good.
The cost of life here is I so expensive for foreigners, it is not easy if you do not have a job here.
An the weather is quite changeable .
 I want to talk, a lot more about the crime rate, about the beaches about so many others things. But I am afraid my fide is up.
See you all later.

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