Wednesday 12 February 2014

         Hello everyone. My name is Fernando Wertheimer, I’m 20 years old and I used to live in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Now, I’m on an exchange to Auckland, New Zealand, for about 3 months to learn and improve the English language.

         Today it’s my first week here. I arrived at Thursday (06/02/2014) and I started my English classes at Monday (10/02/2014). From Thursday to Monday I took my time to explore the city, so I walked all long Queen St., went to the Sky Tower and to the city harbour. It’s a big city, with many different places and people from all over the world, which is a little bit awkward to me, because although Sao Paulo is a bigger city, it doesn’t have such a wide variety of nationalities.

         The weather here is just like Sao Paulo, you never know if it’s going to be a sunny or rainy day and it will be probably both. But I prefer here, it’s not as hot as in Brazil.

         I’m studying General English at Kaplan. It’s an awesome school, near to Auckland’s Domain, a huge and beautiful park. My classes start at 10h15 in the morning and it takes me no more than 30 minutes to commute by bus, so I can sleep until “late” and that’s terrific.

         I’m pretty excited for the weekend because me and my friends are probably going to go to clubs and explore the city.

         I think that’s all! Until next time! 

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