Thursday 27 February 2014

Water Conservation

Hi everyone J
I’m really happy to see you again. Today I’m going to talk about water conservation.

Why we have to preserve the water?
Water is the most important things of human life. If we don’t have water, we couldn't survive. Nowadays, we risk losing uncontaminated water as a result of human activities. We release added water to natural water source such as river, lake and sea. It's just one terrible habit from many human's awful habits!
If we don’t concern about water conservation, we won’t have usable water in the near future. 

So, let's start to save our water today!

How to start to conserve the water?
            It’s not a difficult method of water conservation. It’s super easy! When you use water, you should use it just for sufficiency. Don’t waste it! Especially, when you brush your teeth twice or three times a day, you shouldn't turn on running water why you are brushing your teeth. Because you will waste water for about 3 liters. It’s a shame to lose it in that way.

            Well! I'd like to introduce an interesting clip about water conservation. After you watch this clip, you might be change some of your habit about using water. Haha enjoy!

            Moreover, There are 100 ways to conserve water! Check it out at the link in the bottom. You’ll get 100 easy methods to save water >> << 

Thank you for your attention.
See you next time 

Languages Of The World

Hi, guys. I’m back! Today I will tell you what I think will happen in the future about the languages.

First, I think Chinese, German and Portuguese will be more popular than English, because nowadays business in those countries are growing up. People always follow money, so where you can find more money, more people will use the language.

Second, I think it’s impossible to become just only one language.  Not only people want to protect theirs mother tongue, but also people want to have secrets. We can saw lots of people using theirs mother tongue in language schools, I don’t think it is just because people think using theirs mother tongue is more easily.

What about your opinions? Do you think English will still popular in the future?

About ageing population :)

Hi, guys. Today, I want to talk about ageing population. It means that people’s average age is getting older because many things were developed include medical technology. It’re really good news because we can live longer with our family and friends! And I want to talk about our bright future.

  These day, It’s little bit hard to find a job. Especially, Young people can’t find good job easily, which they want that work less but can get much money.
  But We can make new kind of job, whose customer are elders. Because elders have much free time so, they can be good customer.
  For example, We can make leisure company for elders like Yoga or swimming, travel and cooking for elders.
  Moreover, we will need more workers, Who can treat sickness of elders like doctors and nurse. Also, We can get more workers even though they are old. For example, my homestay father had already retired but he got a new job, which is auto mechanic.

  So, we should know that elders are not usless and look at bright side about ageing population.

Thank you bus driver!!!

Hey, guys, how are you?
Yesterday I completed 3 weeks living in this “big little city”. I love being here because when you’re an exchange student, you don’t have a routine and everyday there are different things to do.
Last week, me and some friends, did a trip to Coromandel Peninsula, 40km wide, in the North Island. We stayed at a Backpackers Hostel in Tairua, which is on the east cost of the Peninsula. There, I started to notice the community spirit that exists in New Zealand. Tairua is a small town, so people are very kind and courteous, mainly with tourist. The hostel manager was very attentive, and helped us with directions to beaches and places to eat.

Back to Auckland, every day I see people saying “thank you” to the bus driver. I started to say it as well, but in Brazil people usually don’t do that and it’s very impolite not to do so. This way you can show that you respect and appreciate the work they are doing for you.
In Brazil, I don’t usually take a bus, but the next time I do, I will thank the bus driver for sure. 

Water, you beautiful!

Hello friends,

What do you think about this view? It’s amazing, isn’t it? Today I’m talking about water, a precious natural resource, which is common to think that we have a lot… but we haven’t.  On the Earth 71% of the surface is water. That is good, isn’t it? BUT 99,4% of this water is undrinkable, because 97% is salty water of the oceans and 2,4% is water from rivers and lagoons, consequently only 0,6% is drinkable. So, as we know, world population is increasing every day and because of this the consumption and waste of water are growing up too, so in a few years we will run out of potable water. We should save water now while we can, to not become like this guy of the picture on the future.

Now, here are some tips that I found on THIS website and can help us to save water:

  • Keep a pitcher of drinking water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap. This way, every drop goes down you and not the drain.
  • Water your summer lawns once every three days and your winter lawn once every five days.
  • Wash your pets outdoors, in an area of your lawn that needs water.
  • Reuse leftover water from cooked or steamed foods to start a nutritious soup, it’s one more way to get eight glasses of water a day.
  •  Cook food in as little water as possible. This also helps it retain more nutrients.

They have more than 100 interesting tips and you should go there if you’re interested on do your part to save our world!

That’s it guys, see you later!

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Tonbandgerät - Halbmond

Hey Guys,

Hey my name is Lara from Germany. Today I will talk about my favourite music and of course it is German music. 

The band is called “Tobandgeraet”. In English it is called “Tape recorder”. This Pop
band, which has 4 members, is from Hamburg it is in the North of Germany and
just sings in German.
 So sorry guys most of you cannot understand
what they are singing, but the sound is also really nice
J. They got famous over YouTube, because they uploaded some of their own videos they made. Afterwards a really famous artist in Germany got interested by seeing them on Youtube and asked them if they want to be previous band of him. So that is why I kept an eye on them. Most of their texts are about love and memories of their childhood, when they went out and played on the street or went partying. When you listen to the music you always have to think about your own experiences you made when you were younger.
So just check it out.
Enjoy! Talk to you guys later.:) 

Tuesday 18 February 2014


Hi everyone!
I’m going to talk about my favourite band which is British band IL Divo. Actually I don’t
have a favourite singer, I just listen to what I like. Anyway I really love one
song, that belongs to Adele. It’s a “Rolling in the deep”. Adele is very
talented person.  Her debut album, was
released when she was 19. I found out about Adele when I watched a film, which
name is a “I am number four”. After film I went to Wikipedia and found who performs
this song.
IL Divo is an English multinational operatic pop vocal group. IL Divo is a group of four
male singers: French pop singer Sebastien Izambard, Spanish baritone Carlos
Marin, American tenor David Miller and Swiss tenor Urs Buhler. They have sold
more than 26 million albums. It’s a favourite band of my father too. At first I
did not like their songs, but my dad listened to them constantly and with time I
also began to love their. My favourite album is Ancora. This album includes 11
songs. The album contains one song partially in Latin, one song performed in
Italian, two songs performed in French , two songs performed in English, and
six songs performed in Spanish. I like this band, because when I listening
their songs I always relaxed. In 2013 they realised a new album. I like the
list of the songs. All my favourites were there. I want to buy this album.

Thank you for your attention.

See you


Hi, guys,I'm Ray. Today I will talk about my favourite musician – Hyde.

First time I knew him about  11 years ago. Japan’s music and drama was very popular in my country at that time. Ony day,I was visit my aunt, and my cousin was listen his second solo CD - 666.

He is a singer in a famous  band, which comes from Japan, named L’arc~en~Ciel. They released their first album - Dune at 1993. 

And in 2008, he was made another band called VAMPS, but he didn’t leave  L’arc~en~Ciel. This two band also came to my country to made a concert many times, I just joined one time for each band.

This is my favourite song - The Cape of Storms , which featured in the movie "Last Quarter", released in his first solo album “ROENTGEN” and movies soundtrack, this album has 2 versions, one is Japanese version, and one is English version. He also have a important role in this movie, but he didn’t said a lot, because he is a ghost in the movie.

And if you like music, welcome to watch my Google+ website:, I usually introduce resently music I heard in my website.I hope you will like it.See you guys.

'What's Love Got To Do With It'

Hello everyone,

Today I will write you about music. Actually, I’m not the
best person to talk about this subject, because I think I don’t have good
knowledge in the music world, but I would like to say who is my favourite
singer and why she is important in my life.

Tina Turner, who has Anna Mae Bullock as your real name, has
being my favourite singer since I was six years old. Yes, I was six years old!
I don’t remember exactly when was the first time that I listen to her, but I always
remember that I felt happy.

I think you guys maybe don’t know her, because the most of
you are younger than me and the 80s. If you like action movies you can try ‘Mad
Max Beyond Thunderdome’, which is played by Mel Gibson and Tina Turner. She
also has her own movie, which is based in her real life, but it’s a drama that
tells us about how she becomes famous and how difficult was her married life.

In the early 80s she was made a huge success which some good
songs, such as ‘Private Dancer’, and she was always playing in the radios. My
grandfather, who I think fell in love for her, would listen Tina’s songs all
the spare time. I remember that I start to like her because a big language
mistake. I was a Brazilian child so, I wouldn’t speak English. When I listened
the song ‘What’s Love Got to Do with It’ for the first time I understood the
refrain in Portuguese therefore you can imagine what happened. The meaning was totally
different, but I liked. I also liked the rhythm and the singer’s style and
after that I start listen to her. My grandfather, who used to bring me lots of
chocolate, bought me her vinyl, which has her legs wearing a mini skirt and awesome
black high heel shoes that I never forget.

It took me some years to understand the song, which now I
know what the refrain really means, but I still remember my version in
Portuguese. If I try to translate in English it won’t make sense, but I can
try. In the phrase ‘what’s love got to do with it’, which is the refrain, I
understood in Portuguese that ‘got to do with it’ was something like ‘uncle cat’.
The song in my language isn’t very close to this, but you must remember that I
was a child, and even if I spoke English at the age of six, I couldn’t understand
the song’s meaning, because it isn’t for children.

‘What’s Love Got to Do with It’ has been my favourite song
for twenty-five years! Enjoy!

See you later.

Some metal bands and stuff.

  • Hello good people, this is Zeddy here today with a new vlog, which will bring the joy to
    you if you were a “Metal” or “Rock” music fan like me.

    First I’d like to talk about the American, brilliant and the
    most popular heavy metal band in the world which is “Metallica”, which was
    formed in 1981. The band consists of 4 members who are:
    James Hetfield, who is the lead vocalist and the
    rhythm guitarist of the band.
    Kirk Hammett, who is the lead guitarist of the band.
    Lars Ulrich, whose job is as a full time drummer of this amazing band.
    Robert Trujillo is a man that plays an instrument with heavy gauge
    strings called “Bass Guitar”.
    Those 4 people have formed a masterpieces  factory of songs in our world called “Metallica”.
    This band does not only have a high level of musical art. It even has a high
    taste of choosing the right words to touch your heart (in a good way)  to make your eyes drown in tears sometimes.
  • There’s a non-famous “Melodic Death Metal” band, which is
    called “Wintersun”, which have the very best song in the world called “Time”. I
    can’t even begin to describe how this song is great in many ways that would
    have your mind blown just thinking about it.
    Just the whole construction of the song, from the very calm
    and relaxing beginning, to the heaviest parts in the middle and the end. Not
    only that it gives you an “ear-gasm” due to its amazing solos, but it even
    gives you that joy and the urge to head-bang while listing to its riffs.
    And about the lyrics of this song.. I even doubt that it’s
    just a human being that wrote them. The vocalist “Jari Mäenpää” sings his words in a way that touches
    every human being’s heart.. From a very old man to even a young teenager (if
    they listen to death metal of course).
    You can even feel him talking about the pain that you’re having and holding secretly in your heart. Describing it just like he’s talking about you specifically!
    I highly suggest you listen to it if you were a metal fan, but if you weren’t, I
    suggest you cover your ears for a few seconds till the screaming parts finish
    at the 3rd part of the song.

My favorite singer is Ariana Grande

Hi there!

          Today I’m going to talk about music.  I’m sure that everyone has a favorite singer or band. Me too! My favourite singer is Ariana Grande who was called “The new Mariah Carrey”. 

        She is a lovely girl with a fabulous voice. I found her song a bit long time on Youtube, but I didn’t mind to click and listened to her music. Until one day, I tried to listen her song which I always skip it on Youtube and I found that it’s an absolutely nice song. After that, I started listening her songs which most of them are got the prize on music chart. Most of Ariana's songs are love song then I always happy when I listen to her song :) Moreover, she can write a song and play a role as well. It’s mean she has great abilities. Last year, she got a New Artist of The Year prize from American Music Awards. It guarantee that she is a new talent singer who is excited to follow.

 In my opinion, she doesn't look like the new Mariah Carrey as others said, but she has her own style that really different from Mariah who is the best singer of RnB.

        Last but not least, I highly recommend you guys to listen her song. You're going to love it! See you :)

Jay's favorite song

Big Bang

  Hey guys, How much do you know about K-pop? I’m talking about my favourite song. My favourite band is Big Bang, which sings Fantastic baby. Maybe you know PSY, whose song is so famous. I like him but I prefer Big Bang which is organised with five members. They are famous in Asia.

  So why are they popular? I think when we listen their songs, we are addicted at this melodies so we don’t know why we sing a song every time. More and more they are famous, they are becoming more and more famous and rich. They were singing a song wearing Chrome Hearts, which is a brand of accessories 2 years ago. It would be famous in Korea. Sometimes some brands, which like MCM or Chrome Hearts and so on, made unique items just for Big Bang.

  Now I will introduce it’s members. There are Top, G-Dragon, Daesung, Taeyang and Seungri. I like all of them but I always sing the part of Top, who is the most handsome in the band. The part of Top in the song is a rap. He used to be fat but now he is fit and nice.  Maybe all Korean girls like Top, that’s why I practice his part of the song!

  Some of my nice friends, who travel with me by the car, know this song and sing this song together. “Boom shakalaka!” They remember me with this song, which we sing in the car. I believe you guys, who travel with me, can not forget me.   

Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved

Hi, guys.
  I want to talk about Maroon5, who is my favourite
band. They are  American pop rock
band that originated in Los AngelesCalifornia.
The group formed in 1994 as Kara's
 while its members were still in high school. Their debut album under the title ‘Songs About
’ in June 2002. 
The band won the Grammy Award
for Best New Artist in 2005.

 Acutually, I didn’t like a song of band. Because I thought many band’s music is loud and unpopular.
But I liked their song when I heard their song at first, when didn’t know the singer is band. Differently to my thinking, Many of their song was calm and the words was so nice and easy to empathize. So their song broke my prejudice and That’s why I got like them.

 At first I got know
about them few years ago, when I was high school student, because of a song ‘She
will be loved’. When I was waiting my friend at a cafĂ©, the song was
broadcasted in radio. So I wrote down some sentence of the song, which could
understand at that moment, and found the song and singer on the internet. And I
got fall in love to them!

 So I recommend their
song, Especially this song 'She will be loved', which is my favorite song. If you have some prejudice like me and want to break that!

Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer

MusicDo you have
any special memory of music? I have a lot of memory of Korean songs, but
especially in English band or song is just one. it was 1995 I guess ,when I was
in middle school, one of my friend loved American music and I heard one song. I
couldn’t understand any word even though I didn’t recognize that song was American
song. But I was extremely impressed that song which I never heard that type of
music. It made me one of rock music fan!  

The song’s
name is livin’ on a prayer, which sing by Bon Jovi, and still my favourite song.
I don’t have
a idea if you like or not. Maybe it is too old fashion to you guys.

But I think
it still good rock music song and it still will impress you.  

Lorde Music

Hello, guys, how are you? I am back to tell you something interesting about music.

Since I arrived in New Zealand, all the music I heard I’ve already known, from famous artist such as Bruno Mars, AVICII, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Lorde, Justin Bieber, One Direction, Rihanna, Lana Del Rey and many others.

The only famous singer I know that is born in New Zealand is Lorde. Her name is, Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O'Connor, she was born in 7 November 1996, Takapuna but she was raised in Devonport, Auckland. It’s so nice to me that one week ago I didn’t know that Takapuna or Devonport exists, and now I not only know, but I have visited it too. 

Lorde won the Grammys Award for Song of the year and Best Pop Solo Performance with her single “Royals”. She is the third youngest winner in Grammys history, and the youngest from New Zealand.

Most people only know her single “Royals”, but I recommend you to listen to “Team”, “Tennis Court” and “No Better”, those are really good songs too. Do you already know these? What do you guys think?


Hi guys!

Nowadays I have started to listen to Avicii, who is a Swedish DJ, and his songs are awesome. His most famous musicis “Wake me up”, whose link to video clip is here. I found out about him 6 months ago using a song app named Deezer, where every week I find new singers and bands to listen, and last month I heard his new song “Hey brother”. Here is a part of lyrics: “Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover / Hey sister, do you still believe in love I wonder? / Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you / there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do”. As you can see on this part stretch it`s a really beautiful song that talks about family and the sacrifices you should do for them. It was important to me when I discovered this song because actually is rare to find any music talking about fraternal love. So, that was my tip for you guys this week, I strongly recommend you to hear those songs and you can start just by clicking on the link forward. I hope you enjoy it!

J Rabbit - JUMP (Cover)

Hi guys!

 Well, We meet again! Today, I’m going to talk about my favourite musician.  Actually, I usually listen to k-pop. Especially, I’d like to indie band. One of them , whose name is J-Rabbit. I keen on a vocal voice. Her voice sounds like birds and so sweet! She is clear to transmit the words. Sometimes I got fed up to do in my job or I had a stress the other things. I used to listen to their songs and then I usually get relaxed, refreshed. 

 One of their songs is that they song for their friends. This song meaning is “Cheer up my dear friends. I’m stay with you.” It’s more touchable our minds So, When some of my friends suffered from problems or they were depressed. I was usually sending the song to my friends.The other song what is I’d like to recommend is “jump”. The reason why I like the song’s rhythm, instruments!

I hope you guys enjoy it! 

My first favourite band...

Hi everyone,

This week on the blog we’re talking about our favourite music so I thought I would tell you about one of my favourite bands.

The first band I ever really liked is Queen, which is a band from the UK. I started to become interested in music when I was about 12 years old. Of course, Queen had been making music for many years before that time and I had always heard their songs growing up, but this was the time I really started to pay attention to their music. The lead singer, whose name was Freddie Mercury, was a musical genius but sadly, he passed away a year before I started listening to his music, so I’ve kind of been trying to catch up on the music he made ever since.

Everyone in my family loved Queen and the songs always remind me of my childhood. I still have vivid memories of seeing the band dressed up as women in the video for “I Want to Break Free”. It was very controversial at the time, but I was too young to realise and just found it funny.

A few of my good friends shared my love of the band and so we were considered a bit strange at school, but we didn’t care. We would spend hours talking about our favourite songs, and discussing John Deacon’s bouncy bass-playing, Brian May’s poodle hair and Roger Taylor’s beats. It was a nice time of my childhood and an introduction to what I consider real music made by really talented people.

I’ll leave you with one of my favourite memories, Queen playing live at Wembley stadium.


Wednesday 12 February 2014

Good-bye Linda and Phil,

 In this morning, my host, Linda and Phil, had gone to Australia in order to see their grandchild. I'm going back to Japan in 2 days as well after tomorrow's graduation. In other words, this morning was the last time when we met unless I'm coming here again.
 I've stayed in their house for 1 year after all. We had a lot of time to know each other. Phil, the host father, loves rugby and cricket. Linda, the host mother, loves making cake and reading books. I think they are typical Kiwis. When I needed help, they helped me immediately without hesitation. Also they have been kind toward what I did and said.
 They gave me a bag when They left the house. There were two pieces of socks and a knit cap for Japan's winter in the bag. They prepared it for me although I hadn't done that because I hadn't expected it. When I saw them, I cried suddenly. I wanted to express my feeling  but I couldn't help saying "thank you" time and time again.

Hello good people! Zeddy’s here hoping you all are having a great time. But I’m sure you’re not having a great time as I am having at the moment LOL.

Since I first laid my foot in Auckland and looked at it – I couldn’t take my eyes off of its beauty and awesomeness.

To me personally so far Auckland is like a heaven in its greenness, nature in general, its weather and joy. But when it comes to food, it’s a different matter, because I’m mostly used to eating mostly from my homeland’s food, so I kind of have to break a sweat to get my homeland’s food here in Auckland.

So far I haven’t visited many places here in Auckland or in New Zealand in general. Even though I’ve been wishing and willing to do that for a long time but still the prices here were so shocking and still scary for my wallet, unlike what I’ve expected.. Actually the total opposite of what I had expected.

I firstly thought that I’ve been feeling this way only due to that my country is basically a plain desert and some streets and buildings on top of it, but I didn’t realise that I was wrong until I saw a survey that says Auckland is one of the most 10 reasonable to live in. Of course that “reasonable” doesn’t have to mean that it’s “very great”, but when you see the good, friendly people and its subtropical amazing atmosphere, you’ll realise that the survey is wrong about ranking it one of the best 10 best cities when it has to be one of the 3 best cities in the world.

I’m not writing this only due to Regan’s request to me to write this blog. I’m writing this because it’s coming out of a man’s fond heart of the city.


Thursday 13th February

  Hi guys. It’s been an amazing month for me.

  My home stay’s family went a trip for 2 days without me so I had a party in my house!
I invited around 10 friends but my friends invited their friends. As a result, there were maybe 20 friends in my home on Thursday. We enjoyed, danced and drank. It’s so awesome at the moment.
  Suddenly someone pressed the door bell to call me in front of the door at 11.30 pm. She is not our friend but she is our neighbour! She said “What’s going on? Today is Thursday, isn’t it? You can’t have a party! I can’t sleep well. I have to wake up early tomorrow. If it’s Friday or Saturday, it’s okay but not today!” She was so angry with us. I replied to her “I will turn off the music and then I will send them back home.
I wanted everyone in my home to go home. I came to our area that we have a party in. Some nice French guys were swimming in my pool. I felt sorry to my home stay’s mom so I told them “Sorry, the party is finished, you guys have to go back your home. See you next time”. And then they were gone.
When I woke up the next day, I cleaned all area myself for 2 hours. The rubbish bin was fulled with empty beers, wines and vodkcas.
It was a first time and last time to have a party in my home because my home stay’s mom was disappointed with me. I don’t want to do something to make my mom angry again. But It’s the best party of what I had a party in NZ. My friends who had a party in my home said “it’s the best home stay and you are so lucky!”.
  Maybe next time I will have a party if my home stay’s mom agree about that!

  Who wants come to my party?

   Hi everybody. It’s been the best holiday for me. I would to prefer to stay at home, but let me tell you about my experience about live abroad.
It was my first time when I   travel  alone. On the first day my friend showed  me main places of Auckland, it was awesome I fell in love with this city. When I arrived I was very surprised that people here are very friendly and kind. In the first four months I didn’t go anywhere, but my friend persuaded me to go on the trip to Coromandel. It was amazing. It’s a place located near Auckland and It looks like countryside. It’s a very peaceful and picturesque place. If you want to visit Coromandel you should take a boat trip. In future I want to travel around New Zealand.
 I want to tell you about some things. First one is weather. Weather is little bit strange. It’s very changeable and for me it’s crazy. For example it’s rain in the morning and a couple of hours can become very hot. Also I want to talk about nature. It’s a very magnificence view and I like it so much.
See you soon!
Hi Guys!

I didn’t expect to work one day a blog but who can know the future? When someone told me that I had to do it, first I was really lazy and not interested in, but after I changed my mind thinking it could be a good idea to share my experience in New-Zealand with other people.

If you like sun and not warm, it’s the perfect place for you. Really, climate is awesome! Maybe because I arrived here during summer holiday. It must be really cold and windy in winter..

I arrived there is now one month ago, at the end of January. It looks like a long time for me because I’m going to leave the country in only five days.. I’m so sad to go back home in New-Caledonia! But holiday can’t be endless and it’s time too come back to school.

The mind-blowing thing in New-Zealand is people; Kiwis are so kind and helpful! If you are looking for something in the street, they’ll watch on their Iphone ( yeah, I have forgotten to mention all New-Zealand people have an Iphone..) where you  want to go. They are not busy but pretty calm and attentive because when they see you, first thing they ask you is ‘How are you’. I don’t exactly know if it’s a use or they really think what they say.. I hope. I like them!

Although it wasn’t my first travel abroad, because I went for three weeks in Australia last year, I’m still thinking New-Zealand is a terrific place! Not concerning tourist entertainments, it’s second-rate, but for all the amazing landscapes. Nature is present even in the town and you can have a beautiful walk in beaches and mountains are just 45 minutes by car or ferry.

I recommend you the huge and awesome Auckland’s Museum if you’re interested in Maori Culture and Queenstown place in the south Island which is fantastic!

Good luck in your travel!

Hello everyone.

I hope you have a good  time back there.
I want to describe  you the news experience that I have enjoyed around here.
It is being  so nice and exhilarating, and so uncommon experience to me.
I start my trip and I am not expecting a so awesome country.
Everything is so organized and the things are so beautiful, nothing here remember my country. Do not get me wrong, the society  is pretty similar, an the behaviour of the people is not so different, but is a uncommon air you know, a politeness that I can not describe to you, you all  have  to come and see.
But let`s try to enlighten you:

Traffic :
Do not have. SIMPLY  DO NOT HAVE. The traffic here is smooth there is a lot of cars but do not have traffic jam.
And in two weeks I have not seen  a single car accident.
The drivers stop to you cross the street even before you step in it. Quite different in my country that you have to look to both sides of street and make sure no car is coming.

The people are just amazing and friendly.
And there are people from almost any country of the word.
Koreans, Arabians, Chinese, Brazilians, Japanese, Indonesian…I f I keep going probably  I would go until tomorrow.

The food is fantastique.
You can eat food from so many different counties and the smells just made you more hungry.
You just can not resist.

There are a few things bad.I would probably not say bad, but  not so good.
The cost of life here is I so expensive for foreigners, it is not easy if you do not have a job here.
An the weather is quite changeable .
 I want to talk, a lot more about the crime rate, about the beaches about so many others things. But I am afraid my fide is up.
See you all later.
Hi everyone,
I’ve been in New Zealand for four months and now I feel that I’m ready to speak about my experience of living abroad.
My first impression about New Zealand was two years ago when I decided make an interchange here with my boyfriend. I’m a Brazilian and I really didn’t know much about this amazing country. The first photos that I saw make me fell in love for New Zealand!
Before I came here I was dreaming and counting days to arrive. I decided change my mobile’s background to a river’s photo that I found on internet. I haven’t known the exact place of this photo, but I knew this was in New Zealand!
After long days waiting our plane finally took off from Brazil. We arrived in New Zealand at 5.00 a.m. in an All Black’s match day and our host mother picked us up at the airport.
I felt the difference between Brazil and New Zealand on my first step out of the plane. All airport’s staff was smiling for everyone. I think this was awesome and very comfortable. I’ve got butterflies in my stomach during all flight and that attitude was really fantastic! I think when you do your first travel abroad its normal you feel this.
Our host family was chosen by our school, Kaplan, and was the best place that they could be chosen! Even in my dreams I couldn’t imagine some better. So, our first month was with them and they did everything for us. Not because it’s an order from school, but we could feel that they were pleasant in got us together. From the breakfast to sleep time everything was perfect!

After this first month we moved to an accommodation in the garden that a big house. Now we must cook, clean the house, wash clothes and go to supermarket every week, but I don’t have time to tell you about this part, so you’ll need wait for the next post J

Hi :)

Hi guys! Today I’m going to tell you about my experience in wonderful city, Auckland! I have tons of awesome memories that I can’t tell all of that here, but I’m trying to do that now. Living abroad on your own is not easy, but it’s challenge. Right? Don’t you think so? I’ve been here for about 3 months. I came here for study English after I graduated from university in Thailand. I chose Auckland because this city is appropriate to study. I meant there are a lot of good language school and very safe. I have a lot of friends from many countries around the word. We speak different language in our countries but in here we used English to share our stories. I could learn many cultures from my friends. Now I think I have a lot of world wild knowledge  Moreover, I have the opportunities to travel. Every weekend I usually go to travel with my friends. There are many attractions in Auckland. I just went to Rangitoto with my friends last week. It was really amazing! There are many reasons that make me very happy when I’m living here. First reason is friends. I met many pleasant friends here. Secondly, I learned many things from here for example living without my parents who always take care of me. And the most important reason is I get many things that I can’t find if I’m in my country.
         Hello everyone. My name is Fernando Wertheimer, I’m 20 years old and I used to live in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Now, I’m on an exchange to Auckland, New Zealand, for about 3 months to learn and improve the English language.

         Today it’s my first week here. I arrived at Thursday (06/02/2014) and I started my English classes at Monday (10/02/2014). From Thursday to Monday I took my time to explore the city, so I walked all long Queen St., went to the Sky Tower and to the city harbour. It’s a big city, with many different places and people from all over the world, which is a little bit awkward to me, because although Sao Paulo is a bigger city, it doesn’t have such a wide variety of nationalities.

         The weather here is just like Sao Paulo, you never know if it’s going to be a sunny or rainy day and it will be probably both. But I prefer here, it’s not as hot as in Brazil.

         I’m studying General English at Kaplan. It’s an awesome school, near to Auckland’s Domain, a huge and beautiful park. My classes start at 10h15 in the morning and it takes me no more than 30 minutes to commute by bus, so I can sleep until “late” and that’s terrific.

         I’m pretty excited for the weekend because me and my friends are probably going to go to clubs and explore the city.

         I think that’s all! Until next time! 
Hello everyone,

I finally arrived at the amazing New Zealand!! It takes 45 hours (!!!) of travelling and, believe me, was quick! I left Sao Paulo travelling by Emirates Airplane with connections in Dubai (13 hours) and Australia (1 hour). The connection in Dubai was better!!! No, I’m not crazy, ha-ha. If your connection in Dubai has more than 6 hours the Emirates Company pays your hotel, visa, transport (airport-hotel-airport) and meals, so you have a chance to know another country. The airplane food is fine and you have a lot of entertainment programs like movies, series and documentaries.
When I arrived in New Zealand it was a beautiful day and I resolved to go to my homestay on a bus, is cheaper than taxi but, of course, is harder and I only recommend it if you don’t have a lot of baggage. How you will know the right bus? Just ask to Google Maps, he knows the answer, but would be good if you check its answer with someone on the bus stop.
The first day at school was vanilla, I did one test and met the school and neighbourhood. On the second day we had classes with Regan, it’s a very good teacher and very funny, but I had headaches, three days with headaches. Wasn’t Regan’s fault, it was jetlag because is 16 hours of fuse between Brazil and New Zealand and your body needs approximately 3 days do adapt. I’m terrific now, thank you for asking. Ha-ha.
So on the first week I went to one sightseeing point in Auckland named Skytower, it’s the country biggest building with 192m of high and I could see all city from there. Very beautiful view, it’s really worth-while! You also can jump from the top if you pay NZ$200. So, I decided to play at Skyscreamer, it’s a toy placed beside Skytower, works like a reverse bungee jump that reaches 200Km/h in just 2 seconds, and cost NZ$60 with photo and video. Its terrific!!! A elderly man was on the toy at the same time I was, and he was so scared!! I don’t know how he didn’t had a heart attack.

So, that was my first week at NZ, I liked a lot!! I’ll come back soon with more news!!


 Hi guys.

 I’ve been spending awesome days! I’m into my last month in New Zealand. Let’s talk about my NZ life! First, Auckland climate is very agreeable for me. When I was in Korea, I usually suffer from insomnia every summer times because we have a tropical night. But I’m in NZ summer time, I haven’t ever suffered from insomnia. Auckland’s average temperature is 17~24. This temperature makes me that I feel like spring or fall of Korea. Also they have a lot of green places and If you’d like to find a country for studying English I recommend New Zealand. You can study with many green places and good weather.

 Second, I’m going to talk about dishes. As you know, New Zealand has many different kind of nationality. So if you want to eat Indian dishes on Monday, you can go to Indian restaurant. You don’t need to try to find where is there. It’s because New Zealand have many Indian food restaurants. They have also European food, Asian food and Turkey food too.

 You can find it anywhere you want. I recommend some nice food where I have visited. First one is fish and chips in mission bay, actually I hate a fried fish but when I ate this restaurant’s fish and chips I’ve totally changed my mind. This time my favourite food is fish and chips! Second is white lady burger it’s so amazing! It’s close to harbour. Many tourists say “if you didn’t try to eat this burger when you travelled in Auckland. You have done a huge mistake!”.

Hello, guys

Hello, I want to talk about experience that I had. Especially, It’s story about dangerousness of Auckland’s night. Of course, Most of people is nice but I want you to have a nice time in New zealand. That’s why I want to talk about this story. I already have heard that Auckland is not safety at night. But I didn’t believe that. Because people are so nice and kind to other people at day. So I hadn’t cared about dangerousness before an accident was happened. About 2 months ago, I was walking at night near by K road with my friend. It was about 10pm. But suddenly, a man who looked like maori tried to threaten us. He seemed to be drunk and tried to hit my friend with his shoulder. We were very frustrated. Because he didn’t have any reason. Fortunately, He left us soon and didn’t give us any damage. So, what I want to talk to you guys is you should be careful at night. Of course, Every maori people are not strange. I heard that they are so warm and kind people. But you should be careful some people in K road at night. If you be careful, you can spend awesome time in Newzealand.
Here's a picture of our beautiful school. We're very lucky to be located right next to Auckland Domain, which is the city's biggest park, and we also have an awesome backyard. This comes in very handy for Volleyball games and Christmas Parties :-)
Hi, welcome to our blog. This is a space for international students to share their experiences of studying in Auckland at Kaplan International English. We hope you enjoy!