Tuesday 18 March 2014

Today we are going to talk about customer communications in the corporate world. Customer service is all about interaction and helping your customers find what they need from your company, good customer communications adds extra value and builds an enduring relationship with your customers, failing to do so can damage your company’s reputation and brings a bad image for future customers.

There are a few examples of good customer’s communications from corporation like Google, which is a large corporation but it is excellent at keeping its customers up to speed with every change they make to their platform and introducing the customers to the new technologies they develop to ease there every day jobs and the daily chores. They usually update by email, but now with every Google tech being connected and intertwined they will advertise every new product they develop according to your needs, no matter what is the Google product you more often use. To top of it all most Google products are free to use for basic users, but if you are in the need for something more sophisticated tech wise you can always find extras and add-ons to most Google products for a price.

PayPal Horror stories Websites: www.PayPalSucks.com,
A company with bad customer communications and you can find hundreds of customers complain online and even websites dedicated to complain about the company is PayPal. I personally had bad experience with this company while trying to send money through I got ban from the website for having the same address that the person (My dad) receiving the money, as I tried to communicate with the company via multiple calls, email and even faxes they always told me that I should fax them some documents as prove of residence, I did fax the documents multiple times, then call and email but never got an strait answer for my issue. Just like me there are plenty of people with bans from the company for no reason and no answers, they had even ban people with money on their accounts and retain their money not given them an answer on how to solve the issue or just rejecting everything the customers sends or says. Maybe they could pick up from a company like Google to give feedback on the customers enquires and not ban people just for “securities concerns”. Improving the customer service and better training the representatives would be a big improvement in solving the communication with customers especially because PayPal deals with money transactions.

The importance of good service communication is vital for a company; good communication makes the customers return happily to do business once again with a smile on their faces.

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