Tuesday 4 March 2014

Lets know Lisa and her study habits!

Hello guys,

This week I was talking to Lisa, at Kaplan School, she arrived in New Zealand 4 days ago to study English and I interviewed her to know her better. I’m writing on the blog some parts of our conversation.

I asked her when she started to learn English and she told me she was 8 years old, and I also asked what motivated her to learn English and she answered that it was because she could travel the world and find a good job.

As yesterday we talked about learning style during the class I asked her which one was hers, and she told me it was visual and that was easier to remember things if she marked on text.  A good point was that she said that she practiced her listening, reading and speaking outside class by having conversations, watching videos and movies, reading English books and magazines but she said that doesn’t practiced writing.

We kept talking and I asked her how she record new vocabulary and she answered that was just write down and read a lot of times.  But as she arrived just a few days ago she couldn’t review any work from class yet.

Try to talk a new language in a different country is a little tricky and I asked Lisa if she was nervous about making mistakes and she said that she was afraid to talk to native speakers because they note every mistakes. Keeping going, I asked about which aspects of her English she wanted to improve and she answered she wanted to improve writing skill (maybe writing to Kaplan blog sometimes) and speaking skill having conversations with colleagues and kiwis.

That’s it and I hope I could help you to know a few about our new colleague Lisa.


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