Monday 10 March 2014

Leisure Differences between Present and Future

How leisure could be change in one dacade?
I reckon the leisure in present and in the future could be change in my country. These days, once we think about leisure, in general, most people are saying do exercise or listen to music. However, in my opinion I would say the leisure could be connected to internet access or used by screen instead of body movement after few years.
Last century, the general meaning of leisure was to go outside and run around to make your friend catch you, or other entertainment things such as going to playground and even they played with rocks on the street very happily. Let’s think about last decade to make easier. We started to use electronic machine at that time such as Nintendo or a huge mobile phone that cannot access to internet. Then if we face to the present, we are using mobile phone which has great function, computer or laptop with surprisingly fast speed of internet, and people are still focusing on the development of new things that beyond our imagination. In 15 years, there will be no socialising without social network service and so, most of leisure might be using through screen. If children get used to using internet as their free time, it will be very harmful to their entire life as well.
This is very dangerous prediction but at the same time it is realistic unless starting to change our leisure without using computer or mobile phone.

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