Tuesday 18 March 2014

How good company deal with their customers' complaints.

Hi guys

Today I want to talk about one of Korea companies which have a good communication system with their customer and then one of companies which have a bad communication with their buyer.

The company which has a good communication is KT Telecom.

Maybe you have experienced the complicate process when you want to solve the problem you have by phoning to company service centre. Of course this company also has a similar problem but, they are trying to find alternative way.

First thing is they organized the problem which is common. So before you make a call to the service centre, you can visit their website and find the same difficulty you have. You dont have to make a call every time when you have just small problems.

Next, as the increase of the people who use SNS such as twitter or facebook, this company is trying to apply those to their service centre. All you have to do is just write some comments on your twitter with tagging on their ID as you usually do with your friends. In this company, there is someone who only manages this SNS so that it makes it easier and quicker to react about your asking.

Also the company has its application to instead of calling to customer service. At the first start of the aps you can see some categories. They separated each category before you make a call. It could be just small difference but, I realize it was much easier than pushing the button following the automatic voices which you can hear through the phone.

The reason that I think they are good company is they are reacting the change of reality to communicate with their customer.  The problem always existed but, they are trying to lose it and response quickly.

On the other hand, the worst communication company is based on my own experience. It’s my agency that is helping me to study in New Zealand.

 They advertised many advantages which I could get If I enrolled the language school through them. It was worth to attract many students. It was one of the reasons that I chose that agency. However, when I need that advantage it didn’t work. Their manager said It had been over even though it advertised on their website. I think advertising the wrong things is one of the miss communication.

 And the other thing was there were too many process when I suggested something. At first I asked my manager If they could move my stuffs to my new flat. But the manager said, she couldn’t decide by herself so she had to ask to her boss. When I receiver their answer it had been two days since I asked them.

Often the company makes many processes to deal with their customers complaints. During the processes are going on, most of them feel boring, and annoying. The company made lots of policy to be away from their responsibilities. By making lots of confirmations to upper manager, they can get excuses for their mistakes.
To sum up, I think thanks to the development of technology, communication between company and customer is working well. but, still there are some problems which come from many complicate processes. I just hope they try to lose their problem.

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