Tuesday 11 March 2014

Hello guys,

What’s up? Today I’m going talk about the present and future of leisure. What do you do in your down time? Well, in my free time I usually spend time watching TV or movies, doing crafts, trekking, doing volunteer work, hanging out with my boyfriend, family and friends.

In Brazil I think most people spend their leisure time hanging out with friends, who are from school, work or neighbourhood. It’s very common for people to go out on Fridays, after their jobs, or on weekends. They usually go to pubs on Fridays, to night clubs on Saturdays and watch football on TV on Sundays.

I don’t believe in future these activities will change so much, but it won’t be rising. Nowadays we have less time to leisure and I think this will get worse, so people won’t have down time like now and how they used to be before, so they’ll need to spend this time for themselves, on the other hand they’ll still lose time with friends and family.

Everybody needs a kind of recharge time, and the best to do this is using our free time doing whatever you like to do. In my city, which is Sao Paulo, we have a lot of options to spend time, such as parks, night clubs, museums, events, festivals…. Have you known that malls in Sao Paulo are like our beaches? Yes, it’s strange, but many Paulistas spend their free time just roaming in malls. They love it, and the car parks are always full! There has 53 malls and over than 260 cinema rooms!

My advice is: You should enjoy every spare time that you have doing what you like!

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