Sunday 2 March 2014

Community Spirit, do you have it?

Hi everyone,

How are you getting on? Today I’m going to talk about Community Spirit. First of all, I would like that you think about this. What is Community Spirit to you? Your group of friends or colleagues in your job or school is a kind of community? Do you participate of some kind of this? Do you feel the community spirit? When I think about community I always remember the past, when everybody knew each other and people just used to greet everyone on the streets, but when I look to present or future, I really don’t know what to think about it.

I used to know my neighbours when I was younger. I would live in an apartment’s villa, where everyone knew about other’s life, and there I could feel the community spirit. There lived almost 150 different families, which family with their particularities about size, age or number of members, but we were such as a big family. In parties time everybody would do something, like a handmade cake or put balloons, and we celebrated together! It was a special time and, nowadays, I really miss it.

I’ve met my older neighbours since I was child, because my grandparents used to live in my house, but my older neighbours are passing away, one after another, and what do I know about the new ones? I don’t meet my new neighbours; actually, I really don’t want meeting them! They don’t respect anybody and are usually unfriendly.  Why are they like that? Maybe, they missed the community spirit or people are too stressed, which their own business that don’t have time, patient or desire in meeting new people. When I said ‘people’, I was included me!

Like I was speaking before, what can I expected about the future? Today I reckon that I changed my mind when I arrived in New Zealand, where people are respectable and friendly with everyone. I thought community spirit couldn’t exist more, but I was wrong and now I believe if you have good quality life, which we can find in some developed countries such as New Zealand, you'll be able to feel the community spirit. Do you believe this?

See you soon…

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