Tuesday 11 March 2014


Hello everyone, I’m here to talk to you about something favoured by many of you guys.

Hey! Guess what time it is? It’s LEISURE TIME!
Leisure time in the past used to be spent in many better ways than how it’s being spent nowadays.. Well, don’t you think that any activity done by a normal human being would be better than just spending hours and hours on iPad?

Leisure time used to have a bigger value in the past to me more than it does – right now.
Maybe it’s something personal actually.
But I think people in general used their leisure time in the past mostly in socialising.. By socialising I mean REAL socialising, not just using the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter or Skype. Because these sites or programs destroy your real life social skills, totally.

I’m not a pessimistic person, but the fact that the world’s getting more screwed up progressively every year is true.
Ask your grand father or mother if they’re alive about how the world used to be before. They’ll tell you that it’s much better, eh? Well then ask them about what THEIR grandparents used to say to them.
It’ll be quite a surprise I guess maybe to you but to me it’s not.. Because I know that it’s getting worse every year.
I think in the next 100 years the average person in the world will have 0% social skills if the rate of losing social skills continues to fall.

In conclusion, let me give you a better idea than just spending your time reading my blog.. Just press ALT+F4 and go socialise!
But if you’ve already had your fair share of that, then you’re in the safe zone.
And here's a picture just to show you an example of an internet junkie for you.

Hope you’ve enjoyed my blog everyone.. Have a great day, and thank you for reading.

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