Monday 10 March 2014

the present and future leisure

Heya I'm talking today about Leisure's
In summer people in Germany spend their free time with going to the lake or swimming pool. Every weekend my family has a barbecue and also my friends and I meet have a barbecue drink some beer and have fun. You can also go camping or do a bicycle tour that’s a lot of fun with your friends.
Leisure time in winter is harder to find but most of the time we are inside, go to a pub or bar, in the cinema or to someone home for a DVD evening or something like that. The only things you can do outside are Ice skating, which is also a lot of fun, building snowman’s and tobogganing.

When I think about the future I think about the film “Wall.E” with all the people sitting in their chair and the screens in front of their faces no one talks to each other only online. Everyone is in his or her own world. You can order your food watch films or TV talk with the person next to you about the screen in front of your face. You don’t need to go somewhere for buying food, there will be a little robot which brings you your meals and your soft drinks. You may only have to pee by your own. 

Your screen will be your leisure then. You can watch movies, go sightseeing, shopping, to gym and everything else you want to do. Sounds like fun right?

Have good time seeya.

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