Friday 13 June 2014

What is mass media? (sarah)

Today i'm going to talk about mass media. Do you guys know eaxactly what is MASS MEDIA?
Its definiton is 'the means of communication that reach large numbers of people in a short time, such as television, newspapers, magazines, and radio.' Nowadays SNS(facebook, twitter.etc..) has become a significant media as well. As time has gone by, new media has been coming up and changing their funtions.
 As i mentioned previously, MASS MEDIA is based on 'communication'. it is called 'mass communication'. it is technologically and institutionally based mass production and distribution.
therefore,in other words, it is influenced who says what to whom through what channel with what effects. so human and media is as a symbiotic relationship.

 there are severals skills of mass media. it can be divided 5parts.
1. observation: it could observe our society.
2. analysis: making people's opinions.
3. connection: it connects person to person, other regions, even other countries.
4. delivering value: share our value
5. entertainment: after hard-working, we can be relaxed by tv, and we can express our feeling via media.

Otherwise, there are disadvatages of mass media as well. firstly, media can manipulate the public.
for example, in korea when politicians commited crimes, they spread celebrites rumors for lying low.
therefore the crowd is changing like an incompetent. secondly, mass media is a  sort of commercial industry. we can be instigated easily. for instance, if you watch an advertisement that come popular celebrity and advert cosmetics, you would like to buy the product. but actually, you don't have to purchase it. finally, mass media is NOT UNBIASED ALL THE TIME. Sometiomes it is also manipulated by government like china, north korea because media is a commercial industry. so we have to criticize it with a keen sight and watch it with various aspects.

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