Sunday 15 June 2014



When everyone talks about television, you will think about a large number of programs which you like in various kinds. Some people think that television is very useful media to spend time in a day. For me, television has both black side and white side to you. If you spend time on television likes features, news, educational programs, these will make beneficial things to you not only knowledge but also good attitude. Features can give you new perspective about many things around the world, help you as the pioneer to bring you to travel all over the world without transportation. Although, news might be boring for some people, everybody should watch news generally because your life must be known about each thing happening in each day. Furthermore, educational program will provide you a little knowledge that you have never known before or much knowledge as possible as you can watch. In contrast, if you waste your time on programs namely soap opera, too many of entertainment program, you will get nothing except entertaining yourself. Relaxation by watching television is a good method to make you feel better but watching television too much might occur your healthy problem about optic and obesity. You should not sit for long time to watch television like couch potatoes, you should pay attention to other activities activating your health and your mind. Television is a useful equipment for anyone who can control appropriately. It will open your new side of this world surely if you know how it works!

After reading my opinion…
Look and listen different opinion from this video clip
---How to Watch Television By Charlie Brooker---

And..."How about Steve Jobs?"
"I think it's brought the world a lot closer together, and will continue to do that. There are downsides to everything; there are unintended consequences to everything. The most corrosive piece of technology that I've ever seen is called television - but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent."

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