Thursday 12 June 2014

Hey everyone ! I’m the Wise owl, the Wise owl is trying to give you relevant
information about different topics !

Today, my teacher Regan asks my class to discuss about the pros and cons of Television nowadays.


 Firstly, television business sector has dramatically increased last years.
More and more people is watching the television so it seems respectable to have a quick discuss about the behaviours that are going with this phenomenon.


- T.V is more and more used by young people and teenagers and sometimes transforms them in kind of couch potatoes without any envy to discover or to make something great.
-T.V is reflecting the violence of our modern societies such as War, abusive
sexual behaviours, normalization of guns, mainstreaming… those things are of course part of our societies but shouldn’t be shown on public and non-protected channels.
-T.V is also the places of reality shows clichés and idealistic “
how to be” , that is pretty dangerous for teenagers or young children which are trying to create their own image… I mean.. They are not really good examples.

AVANTAGES of Television:

· Convenient
· Relaxing
· Varied

I didn’t really mentioned the advantages of television because, in my opinion, the different hazards shown could be avoided by balancing the way you watch at it and overall, T.V as to be considered as it is…. :  Fiction.

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