Friday 13 June 2014

Pros/cons effects of television

Pros/cons effects of television

"The American people don't believe anything until they see it on television"
Richard Nixon.

I would like to begin talking about the positive and negative aspects of television with the Nixon`s sentence above. I think that it is the absolute true, not only about the American people but good part of the world population, and there`s where the problem lives. Anybody can watch anything on television at any time of the day, from the poorest family who haven`t gone to school and don`t have the critical power to judge what`s right or wrong to the richest one who have a solid opinion about political and economic issues as well as an active life in relation to them.

Propagandas are the most common way to mass manipulate and television is the perfect kind of media they are looking for once the mass is always watching it and as Nixon said, Americans (not only them) believe anything they see on television. Of course it has its benefits, I mean, when television first appeared in the house of families It was revolutionary, a kind of media that could bring news from anywhere in the world happening at that exact moment through images was really impressive, even nowadays there`s a lot of good stuff we could say television has to offer like valuable information about an enormous variety of subjects, but In the other hand, for children television can be really harmful if they are watching it for a long period of time, people need to keep in mind that the kids brains are still under development.

To sum everything up, I think that the television have a lot of good aspects as well as negative ones and that the most important one is when it comes to mass manipulation which is a negative one and there`s a lot of reasons why I think that, however I don`t think I have the space to debate that here but I think I made kind of a point here :)

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