Sunday 8 June 2014

New era of marketing

            Now a day people are more concern about environment and social responsibility. So that is the beginning of the new era of marketing that’s not about promoting your product but building good image for your company.
            My study case for today will be Coke,the largest beverage company. What's the best image for soda drink? Of course happiness in a few year earlier coke launched an ads about happiness
Happiness Factory. But now they go beyond wasting money for a cool ads but they start to do some thing that really make people happy. This is some of their idea Hello Happiness or Bringing India & Pakistan Together . Last but not least they doesn't for got about environment. This is some cool idea of coke Coke bottle's 2nd life that can effectively reduce plastic waste.
         From all I have talked about. I think coke is one of the most responsible company and the leader of new era of advertisement.

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