Wednesday 2 July 2014

#LostinNZ #1

Hello whatever who is reading this…
After almost ten years I’m back to blog’s world.
Now, nothing about the old stuffs, everything is new! New experiences, new life, new wishes!
Finally, I finished my graduation and, on time, decided (and saved money!!!) to have my exchange experience!!! Nice… hmm… no just… but, TERRIFIC!!
Yes, terrific, sure! If you are one of my Brazilians friend or Portuguese speaker you can understand the paradox!
Yeah, it’s amazing being in New Zealand! Since I arrived here could feel how changeable is the weather here. In RS we have 4 seasons per year… but here have four seasons PER DAY! Sometimes PER HOUR! It’s crazy, isn’t it? No, it’s not. That’s not enough to make this country ugly or bad…Sometimes a bit boring… Why?
The people here are veeeery friendly, in the same way they are quite quiet! That’s funny if you think like me and don’t need huge parties only people.
Plurality! That’s the best word I can describe the population and the culture! They have built this nation with pieces of whole word. Doesn’t matter where you go, you always find someone from another country living here… and they really love it!

…Or enough to the first post… SYS!


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