Wednesday 2 July 2014

Living in Auckland.

Hi guys,
How are you dealing with this dreadful weather? I have been pretty wheat these days and looks like it always starts to rain when we finish school. Prepare your umbrella because more rain is coming.
So, what are your plans for this winter? I’m so excited because I’m going to Queenstown in a few weeks. It might sound weird but I've never seen snow in my entire life!  I've been planning different activities to do when I get there like snowboarding, walking on glaciers, visit the sightseeing…  I’m really looking forward for this trip because I will be able to rest. I've been so tired because working, studying and going to the gym every day makes me feel overwhelmed. On my day off, I don’t have energy to do anything else besides sleep and eat.

Talking about eating, my flatmates and I made a deal that we are going to cook Brazilian or Chilean dishes every Sunday. I think that's amazing because we will have the opportunity to socialize more, know each other better and also taste different kind of food. I’m glad that I don’t live with a Kiwi otherwise I would be sick of fish n’ chips. Today, I said that this dish is actually British, but my teacher said that Kiwi fish n’ chips don’t have a lot of vinegar, what makes it better. Still British for me, though.
If you guys have any ideas about activities that I could possibly do in Queenstown, please live your comment, I would love to hear more about it.

Stay tuned.


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