Wednesday 2 July 2014

Hello everyone!  

I’m here in Auckland, one of the most famous countries in the world. I’ve been here for a couple of weeks. The weather is getting colder and colder. As many people say  about Auckland, you can find 4 seasons in  one day!  For me, that’s terrible.  How can it rains suddenly while it’s sunny? Unlike the unpredictable weather, people here are so terrific. Everybody nearby my homestay smiles and says “Good morning” at me every time I go to school. The host family is also very lovely and kind. Besides their  tidy and clean behaviour, people in New Zealand are very generous.  There are so many attractions in the town of Auckland.  Including  lots of entertainment hotspots. Such as, shopping centres, cinemas, nightclubs, restaurants,  etc.  Anyway public transportation is quite crummy. Each time I go to school, I have to sit in the bus for an hour! By the way. I enjoy living my kiwi way of life here. Can’t wait to go to Rotorua and Taopo tomorrow!

Until the next time.

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