Thursday 10 July 2014

Globalisation is Good - Jake

What is globalisation? According to ‘Wikipedia’ on the website, “Globalisation is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture”. Now, the world becomes more international in markets, the industries and cultures. So globalisation is the most important topic in the world. People all over the world are more influenced and connected to each other than ever before.

What do people want to receive from globalisation? Globalisation has many advantages. First, I want to talk about free trading, because my major is international trade. Globalisation removes trade barriers. For example, when international companies trade each other, they impose taxes for products and they are restricted by quantitative restrictions. These situations are called as trade barriers, so removing those is very important to trade. When the companies in different nations don’t face any barriers, they can engage in a free trading and make a big profit. One example of the a trading is NAFTA, which allows American, Canada and Mexico to trade each other without any restriction. The free trading has lots of benefits for economies and markets. One example is the price competition. The companies compete with each other freely to attract consumers, so they produce well-made and cheap products in order to survive in the market. As a result, the consumers can buy well-made and cheap goods and The companies who survive to the last can make a big profit.

Another benefit of globalisation is connection to foreign countries such as travelling and working. Nowadays, many people enjoy travelling all over the world. You can travel anywhere you want except dangerous countries. When you enter into another country, you won’t meet any problem. Travelling to another country also contribute to the development of the country as a tourism industry. Next, let's talk about working. Many companies can hire workers in foreign countries to work. America, Australia and Korea are good examples for that. Nowadays, many people of developing countries go to these countries and work, not only because the labor markets of developed countries need more workers but because the labor markets of developing counties are very bad.

But there are disadvantages of globalisation. One of the disadvantages is a loss of cultural identities. While globalisation is proceeding quickly, cultural identites have disappeared or been mixed with others. Especially, Western ideas always invade Eastern ideas. If we can't stop that, each country will be indistinctive and featureless after all.

I think that globalization makes the world better than ever before. But equally, there are those who don't. For better or worse, we can't stop globalisation. So, what should we do? We should keep a check on its process and  make up for its disadvantages. This is all we need to do.

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