Sunday 13 July 2014

Globalisation is good

    Globalization integrates trade, technology and the mobile factors of production like labour and capital.
    In my opinion, globalization is quite a good thing for humans. Because of it, people around the world are more connected to each other than ever before. And goods and services produced in one part of the world are increasingly available in all parts of the world. It makes our life more convenient.
    In education, with numerous educational institutions around the world, people can move out from the home country for better opportunities elsewhere. Thus, integrating with different cultures, meeting and learning from various people through the medium of education is all due to globalization. Developing countries and labor-intensive countries have benefited the most. In fact, many schools in China open an international class. Students in this class will learn an international course. And the school try to let the students in this class lead the same life as the foreign students, so the students will have western-style food and wear western-style clothes.
    These years, information technology plays an important role in human's life. Because of globalization,people get more closer than before. Every information can be spread so quickly to everywhere in the world.Circulation of information is no longer a tedious task, and can happen in seconds. The internet has changed the global economy a lot, thereby providing direct access to information and products. For example, people from different countries can communicate with each other by Twitter, Facebook and so on. They don't need to write letters, or wait the letters from his friends for a long time.
   On the other way,globalization has brought some problems, such as loss of culture,health issues and the gap between rich and poor.
    In real life, globalization has brought new epidemic threats and challenges.HIV/AIDS is a good example. People who have this disease will be in danger. This disease is from Africa,and it is spread quickly to the other countries because of the globalization. Food may also take an disease from one country to another country, because the safety regulations and the standards of food preparation are different in different countries.
    Globalization may lead to more environmental problems. A company may want to build factories in other countries because environmental laws are not as strict as they are at home. Poor countries in the Third World may have to cut down more trees so that they can sell wood to richer countries. Like Brazil,many trees are cut down by the companies from other countries. And the tropical rain forests are disappearing.
    In conclusion,i want to say that globalization is inevitable and we must urge individuals, companies and governments to use a more balanced approach by taking the appropriate steps to deal with matters relating to the financial or economical gains verses the social, political or ecological concerns of the world. 
    In my opinion,although globalization may bring some troubles to us, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Globalisation is Good - Jake

What is globalisation? According to ‘Wikipedia’ on the website, “Globalisation is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture”. Now, the world becomes more international in markets, the industries and cultures. So globalisation is the most important topic in the world. People all over the world are more influenced and connected to each other than ever before.

What do people want to receive from globalisation? Globalisation has many advantages. First, I want to talk about free trading, because my major is international trade. Globalisation removes trade barriers. For example, when international companies trade each other, they impose taxes for products and they are restricted by quantitative restrictions. These situations are called as trade barriers, so removing those is very important to trade. When the companies in different nations don’t face any barriers, they can engage in a free trading and make a big profit. One example of the a trading is NAFTA, which allows American, Canada and Mexico to trade each other without any restriction. The free trading has lots of benefits for economies and markets. One example is the price competition. The companies compete with each other freely to attract consumers, so they produce well-made and cheap products in order to survive in the market. As a result, the consumers can buy well-made and cheap goods and The companies who survive to the last can make a big profit.

Another benefit of globalisation is connection to foreign countries such as travelling and working. Nowadays, many people enjoy travelling all over the world. You can travel anywhere you want except dangerous countries. When you enter into another country, you won’t meet any problem. Travelling to another country also contribute to the development of the country as a tourism industry. Next, let's talk about working. Many companies can hire workers in foreign countries to work. America, Australia and Korea are good examples for that. Nowadays, many people of developing countries go to these countries and work, not only because the labor markets of developed countries need more workers but because the labor markets of developing counties are very bad.

But there are disadvantages of globalisation. One of the disadvantages is a loss of cultural identities. While globalisation is proceeding quickly, cultural identites have disappeared or been mixed with others. Especially, Western ideas always invade Eastern ideas. If we can't stop that, each country will be indistinctive and featureless after all.

I think that globalization makes the world better than ever before. But equally, there are those who don't. For better or worse, we can't stop globalisation. So, what should we do? We should keep a check on its process and  make up for its disadvantages. This is all we need to do.

Z Generation?! – The World Wide Nation - Marcel


Thursday 3 July 2014

Life in Auckland

Hello everyone (:

                I have stayed in Auckland nearly 5 weeks. I’m going to tell you guys about my experience in Auckland. First the weather here is terrible. It usually rain and I don’t have an umbrella so I always get wet. In addition the weather here is colder than Thailand so I have to wear the warm things that make me uncomfortable.

                Entertainment hotspot here are all around Queen Street. There have shopping mall, cinema, restaurants, etc. Shopping centres here are poor because they are very small and price of everything is expensive. Restaurant here are acceptable. There are so many nationality foods.  Price is expensive but you will get a very big dish that can make you full. One thing I’m very wonder is why Auckland has so many sushi shop?It's strange because you will see sushi shop where're you go.
                About public transportation I think it is crummy. I've to waited at bus stop everyday. For me it is windy and cold outside. And bus price here is pricey. Bus fare from my home to school is around 3 dollar for single trip so that I've to pay 6 dollar for bus fare everyday. It is terrible.
                Last week I've been to Rotorua and Taupo. It was mind-blowing experience for me. I love view from mountain that i can see the city by lake. I've never seen something like this before. It was amazing. I went to Polynesian spy in Rotorua. It was awesome.

                New Zealand has a high cost of living however I have really had a good time here. See you next time my friends.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Hi guys. I'm in New Zealand. - Jake

Hi guys, it has been four months. I’m living in New Zealand and studying English at Kaplan. I’m very happy with everything in New Zealand. It’s winter now and raining on and off everyday, so I should bring my umbrella in my bag everyday. Besides, winter is subject to sudden changes in a daily temperature. There is an saying "Four seasons in one day." Such an amazing weather!
Anyway, New Zealand people love rugby. They enjoy playing and watching rugby. Do you guys know the All Blacks? This is the national rugby team of New Zealand and the world best team as well. That's why they love rugby. Two months ago, I watched a rugby game at the Mt. Eden stadium with my friends. Spectators were very enthusiastic! But, I did’t know about rugby rules and players well. So I was bored... I’ll recommend you to watch a rugby game if you know about the rules well.
Let's talk about eating. I like eating out with my friends. I’ve been to many restaurants. There are lots of traditional restaurants, such as Thai, Mexican, French, Japanese and so on. You’ll feel like travelling all over the world. But the price is little bit pricey... Don't worry, you don't have to leave a tip!
Three weeks ago, I visited the Hobbiton, where A film "Hobbit" was shot, with my friends . There were lots of tiny things, which are fitted for dwarfs, like tiny houses. It was wonderful and nice! And a famous movie "The Lord Of The Rings" was filmed in the south island of New Zealand. Some people say it’s more interesting and nicer than the Hobbiton. So after graduating from the school, I’ll travel to the south island and go the shooting location. I can’t wait!
See you later.

Auckland City

Hi I am Abdullah I have been in New Zealand for three years. There are lots of interesting things to do here.
The weather is very changeable and you might see the four seasons on one day. And nowadays it is winter and I usually get wet before I go to home. The rain always destroys my plans for the weekend for e.g last week me and my friends decided to go to Mission bay. It is an awesome beach on Auckland. But It is rained so I stayed on my home watching TV. It was boring.
In New Zealand there are entertainment hotspots such as Queen Street, Mission Bay, Oraki Bay, New market and Albany Mall. On Queen Street there are shopping mall and other shops. Also a souvenir shops. Mission Bay is very nice beach. Oraki Bay it is peaceful and quiet beach. Albany Mall is the biggest mall in New Zealand and it is located in the north shore. New Market is alright there are a cinema, shopping mall and restaurants.
I also have been to Auckland museum and the Art Gallary in the city centre. There are amazing and lots of new things to see.

Hello everyone!  

I’m here in Auckland, one of the most famous countries in the world. I’ve been here for a couple of weeks. The weather is getting colder and colder. As many people say  about Auckland, you can find 4 seasons in  one day!  For me, that’s terrible.  How can it rains suddenly while it’s sunny? Unlike the unpredictable weather, people here are so terrific. Everybody nearby my homestay smiles and says “Good morning” at me every time I go to school. The host family is also very lovely and kind. Besides their  tidy and clean behaviour, people in New Zealand are very generous.  There are so many attractions in the town of Auckland.  Including  lots of entertainment hotspots. Such as, shopping centres, cinemas, nightclubs, restaurants,  etc.  Anyway public transportation is quite crummy. Each time I go to school, I have to sit in the bus for an hour! By the way. I enjoy living my kiwi way of life here. Can’t wait to go to Rotorua and Taopo tomorrow!

Until the next time.

Hello people .Hope you’re feeling good
Not much to say about my experience in Auckland .what I really like by Auckland that it’s a safe place and the people are friendly .I have been here for one year and I’ve done many new things like bungee jumping it’s exciting and funny I have visited some places like rotorua  , coromandle  and taupo they are fine to visit .another thing to say about Auckland that it has so many different nationalities so you can see and know new cultures and the food as well .

what makes me confused is the cars and the streets are the opposite than my country but I’m trying to handle with it .since I have arrived I have been looking for good clothes but I couldn’t find yet .I want to try kiwi food but I don’t know where . I have been eating take away since I have arrived. I’m feeling sick of take a ways . I want to be perfect with kiwi accent ,it’s awesome and fast but still difficult to me .anyway that’s what I can say for now.  

me in Auckland

Hello everyone :3

I’m going to write about my life in Auckland. Many strange things have happened to me since I arrived here. Everything is so different from where I came from. If I would talk about something impressing. Of course, it’s the transportation. Every passenger has a tidy behaviour. Also I can rely on the bus. They always come on time! The another different  thing for me is the weather. Here’s so extreme weather for me. In my country, the temperature is almost 40C degrees. But here’s just around 10C degrees!! Of course getting cold is better than hot. It’s pretty good for me. Sometimes it is heavy raining while being sunny at the same time. After stop raining, The rainbow comes! When the rainbow disappears, It turns to rain again. It’s usually happen like this almost the whole week. I hate getting wet from the rain. It’s such a terrible feeling when my socks get wet. It’s not easy to dry my socks after washing. Because the impossible thing is the dry weather. Poor my friends, Can you smell something  strange from my socks? Lol

Having said that, I love here <3


    Thursday     3rd July
    Hi guys. How are you?
    I have been in New Zealand for one week. I study at Kaplan International Colleges. The school is awesome. I like it very much. In this school, I don’t need to get up very early. And I only have morning classes on Tuesday and Thursday, so I can do everything I like.
   In this school, only two students come from China, so it’s a great place for me to improve my English. Most students here are from Korea, Thailand and Brazil. I made friends with them, and they are very kind and friendly.   
   However, the climate here is so terrible. In these day, it was always rainy. I hate rainy days very much. I hope it won’t be rainy any more.
    Last Sunday morning, I went to Queen Street. It is really busting and lively. There are many kinds of shops there, I bought a lot of things. After that, I went to Waitomo Glowworm Cave. It is amazing. I expect to go there again.
     The environment around our homestay is quite beautiful. The air is much fresher than that in China. There are many trees and flowers. In a word, it’s great to live in NZ.
     Above all, I love NZ.


Thursday 3 of July 2014

Hello everyone.

I‘ve been in Auckland for more than 6 months, so I wanna tell you guys about Auckland.

The weather is really changeable, someone said it has 4 seasons in a day. I think that’s true, you have to bring an umbrella everyday if you don’t want to be wet by rain. Also, I recommend you bring some jackets to keep warm in the evening. You can get cold, even it is summer!

I’m fond of cycling, so I bought a bike in January. I reckon, Auckland is quite pleasant place to do outdoor exercise because it has lots of green parks, fresh air and sometimes good weather. It made me buy the bike at that time, so I usually go to school by bike if it’s not raining. The rain is always problem here.

I wanted to talk about public transport, but it’s just vanilla. Nothing special here, so I’m going to write down about restaurants. It’s reasonable price, but sometimes quite pricy. A good thing is you can try a lot of kinds of food. Actually, I tried India, Mexican, Thai, Japanese, Chinese and Korean food. It was amazing experience for me. The food was terrific as well. If you haven’t tried them yet, you have you try it!!

Living in Auckland.

Hi guys,
How are you dealing with this dreadful weather? I have been pretty wheat these days and looks like it always starts to rain when we finish school. Prepare your umbrella because more rain is coming.
So, what are your plans for this winter? I’m so excited because I’m going to Queenstown in a few weeks. It might sound weird but I've never seen snow in my entire life!  I've been planning different activities to do when I get there like snowboarding, walking on glaciers, visit the sightseeing…  I’m really looking forward for this trip because I will be able to rest. I've been so tired because working, studying and going to the gym every day makes me feel overwhelmed. On my day off, I don’t have energy to do anything else besides sleep and eat.

Talking about eating, my flatmates and I made a deal that we are going to cook Brazilian or Chilean dishes every Sunday. I think that's amazing because we will have the opportunity to socialize more, know each other better and also taste different kind of food. I’m glad that I don’t live with a Kiwi otherwise I would be sick of fish n’ chips. Today, I said that this dish is actually British, but my teacher said that Kiwi fish n’ chips don’t have a lot of vinegar, what makes it better. Still British for me, though.
If you guys have any ideas about activities that I could possibly do in Queenstown, please live your comment, I would love to hear more about it.

Stay tuned.


#LostinNZ #1

Hello whatever who is reading this…
After almost ten years I’m back to blog’s world.
Now, nothing about the old stuffs, everything is new! New experiences, new life, new wishes!
Finally, I finished my graduation and, on time, decided (and saved money!!!) to have my exchange experience!!! Nice… hmm… no just… but, TERRIFIC!!
Yes, terrific, sure! If you are one of my Brazilians friend or Portuguese speaker you can understand the paradox!
Yeah, it’s amazing being in New Zealand! Since I arrived here could feel how changeable is the weather here. In RS we have 4 seasons per year… but here have four seasons PER DAY! Sometimes PER HOUR! It’s crazy, isn’t it? No, it’s not. That’s not enough to make this country ugly or bad…Sometimes a bit boring… Why?
The people here are veeeery friendly, in the same way they are quite quiet! That’s funny if you think like me and don’t need huge parties only people.
Plurality! That’s the best word I can describe the population and the culture! They have built this nation with pieces of whole word. Doesn’t matter where you go, you always find someone from another country living here… and they really love it!

…Or enough to the first post… SYS!
