Sunday 16 August 2015

Strategy of TOTO's washlets

Home work (Mitsuo Sugawara) Aug 16, 2015

According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, marketing is defined as the following:
"the activity of deciding how to advertise a product, what price to charge for it etc, or the type of job in which you do this."

Advertising has various types of meaning. The essential one of them is how to create awareness for a new product, which have never existed till then and consumers don't know how fantastic it is.

TOTO's washlets, nowadays,  have approximately 70% market share in Japan since then they released washlets for the first time in 1982.

Their successful depends on TOTO's excellent strategy.
It was the TV commercial, "Even your buttocks want to be washed", which was nationally televised at the prime time in which many Japanese were having dinner.

Unfortunately, above You tube is Japanese only, but the concept is that we can't clean these stain in wrinkles so we should use water to clean up. In addition our buttocks need to be washed. Actress rubbed blue cream in her hand and tried to wipe off the cream but she couldn't do it.

It was sensationally argued among Japanese, but many consumers gained awareness the concept.

Since then, the end users who bought and used it realized the value and can’t do without it. In addition, washlets spread via word-of-mouth. It had been slow to catch on in the new market, but it was steady.
TOTO has been adapting the unique marketing strategy according to the foreign country. Take China, for example, TOTO adapted the penetration marketing to the richest Chinese. They promoted it to the five-star hotel in China. The guest who stayed in such hotel could use and know its comfort. TOTO, now, has established its bland in Chine as a number one sanitaryware company.

TOTO's sales amount now has been increasing steadily and they has been developing new technology, for example, flushing innovation, by which only one gallon (3.785 litter) can flush the waste.


Game of Thrones

Most of you guys know Game of Thrones but did someone ever talked about their amazing Marketing Campaigns?

First of all, how do you make people aware of a new series and how do you make it unique and rememberable? HBO exactly knew how to do this & here are some examples of how to do this properly.

-Season 1- 

Game of Thrones was published in winter properly to their first season ' Winter Is Coming '.
Suddenly New York City was covered with posters of Ned Stark sitting on an iron throne.
Besides that  the San Diego Comic-Con gave people the chance to take a ride of an iron thrones just like the one of  Ned Stark.

Game of Thrones advertising HBO winter is coming poster Ned Stark memeHBO Game of Thrones advertising Iron Throne pedicabs

And to prove, that HBO knows the major cities and the one they are headquartered in, they rolled out Game of Thrones themed food trucks.
HBO smartly tapped into people’s willingness to wait in long lines for something cool, unique, and canonically accurate.

-Season 2- 

To promote their second Season they realized  the appeal of free, in-world goodies and HBO got even more dared.  Calling upon a celebrity, they got NY Ink star Ami James to ink the various house symbols on fans who waited in line from as early as 2 a.m.

-Season 3- 

Honestly the Season 3 promotion was a bit disappointing at first, I mean, there is nothing special about a dragon's shadow across the wall. In comparison to the eye-catching posters of the past few years.

 Turns out it's not . Because suddenly, there were dragons flying over the New York Times

And if that wasn't  enough, the dragon started to fly all around  over LA. 

When their offline marketing is already that strong, their online marketing has to keep up with this.

 From quotes to animated photos over to teasers. Game of Thrones knows how to entertain their fans and to keep them curious! 

I don't need to see any proves, if that wasn't successful, then I don't know what would be. 
Hands down, HBO and Game of Thrones are doing a pretty good job, they are definitely not lazy and they would do anything to keep their fans entertained and the series attractive!

Saturday 15 August 2015


Do Us A Flavor

Do you ever have the experience that you want to buy potato chips but there is not a favor you like?Don’t worry about this!
This year Lay’s challenging consumers to create new Lay's potato-chip flavors for the chance to win $1 million or 1 percent of the winning chip flavor's net sales.You can see the advertisement on national and regional television spots,national print adversting,on-pack message and 40,000 in-store displays.The campaign generated close to 4 million flavor ideas through a Facebook app and SMS. After more than 1 million consumers voted via Facebook, Twitter or text.

There are the flavor finalists.

There are four important factors that make the marketing campaign successful.
First of all,the contest makes it interactive.Customers can also join to make decision which types of product they want.And the four contestants will use their social media circles to spread the world.
Secondly,the contest encourage trial.And trial increae sales.At least one of the flavor creat disscution and word of mouth.
Next one is by encouraging comments,the company can know both good and bad about the flavor.
Final one is the campaign connect online social media and traditional media like print,TV and radio to make a full advertisement.

Are You happy with yourself ?

Dear women,

The following post appeals to all of you :

No matter who you are, where you come from, how old you are or which size you wear.. 


  • That is the main message of Dove’s marketing campaign from April 2013

Seven women were asked to describe their looks. A man behind a cloth listened to them and asked them certain questions about their eyes, their hair, their mouths.. 
This men was Gil Zamora, a Forensic Artist and he drew them without seeing their faces before, just with the information they gave to him.
All women focused on their negative aspects in their face; like a imperfect chin or crinkles.
After Zamora had his first sketch from each women, they left without seeing the picture.

Before the women had to describe themselves, they should get friendly with an other person.

Now, this person entered the room, took a seat and Zamora asked them the same questions, but now they should not describe themselves but the woman they talked to before..

The result is amazing..

In a light gallery, all pictures were pointed at the women who had to describe themselves before.
They had the direct comparison with their own description and the way other people see them.

„I look more happy in the second picture.“ 
„ I look much younger and brighter in the second one.“
„I should be more grateful with my natural beauty.“ 

The women were impressed about by the huge differences between these two pictures and they are all more beautiful than they thought..

Dove created a short movie about this experiment and established it on an own website.
Within three days the videos had over 2.5 million clicks.
Now, two years later it has almost 6 million clicks.
So, you can see, the „real beauty campaign“ was very successful and helped „Dove“ to propagate their name.

Why I think it is successful ?
Short : Because it is authentic. In this video you do not see the thin, perfect looking, young models you normally see in other commercials.
You see real women like you and me.
Dove caught the most sensitive nerve every woman deals with.. No one is hundert per cent happy with their body.
But they should ! 

You are beautiful..  more than you might think !

Friday 14 August 2015

iPhone 6 

Apple Incorporation is a multinational company that evolved the concept about computers, softwares and mobile phones. Their principal products are iPhone, iPad, iPod and Macintosh, this company were created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak on April 1976. 

In the most recent iPhone campaigns " Shot on iPhone 6", the team responsible for the marketing , they create a special page on website titled World Gallery, where they want shows  some photographs taken by iPhone 6 users.  Instead of contracting artists, that was a fantastic idea, because they create a closer relation with their customers. 

That campaign receive a plenty of pictures, one of the featured artists, was the photographer Julian Bialowas,  in which his work  was recognised on an Apple billboard around the world as well in the North and South America, Europe, the Middle East and East Asia.

In relation the effect this campaign to the company is  every day  people take more photo with iPhone than with other camera. Consequently, more people are buying iPhones  than another brand, these bring more profit to the company. 

In my opinion was a successful advertisement because every day more and more people want change their mobile phones and the first brand they think is in iPhone. 

Thursday 13 August 2015

Evian® Natural is a famous brand of Mineral Water with a unique mineral balance. In 1878, the French Medical Academy officially recognized evian® Natural Mineral Water’s favorable effects on human health. “You can enjoy its naturally pure and refreshing taste anywhere, any time.”

They got an excellent idea for marketing. Rémi Babinet, BETC’s chairman and global creative director said "The babies are an essential part of Evian’s culture and history”. They wanted and special and new campaign, They thought in a commercial on TV in a dozen countries including France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, the U.K., and the U.S., “we thought it would be fun to let the babies meet their adult selves, and figured a reflection in a mirror would be the perfect way to do this. The encounter becomes a symbol for the vision of youth that Evian represents: a positive attitude and an open mind, even when it comes to the unexpected."  Also, they developed a free "Baby & Me" app for Facebook, Android, and iPhone that uses advanced facial recognition software to reveal the user’s baby face.

"Baby & Me" is the latest installment in Evian’s "Live Young" creative strategy, which has ranged from "Waterbabies," BETC’s first TV work for the brand, featuring an Esther Williams-inspired baby water ballet, to the 2008 spot "Rollerbabies," which, according to the Guinness Book of Records, became the most viewed online ad ever with almost 250 million views. It was a big hit on social media!! The campaign allowed people to meet their 'inner baby' increasing campaign engagement. Sales volume and market share rose in all markets, with improved brand metrics and 130 million views globally.

More information:
Johnsons'-catch- kids' campaign
     The marketing campaign which is going to be analysed is from Johnsons & Johnsons.   
     Johnsons’ campaign in Brazil has worked at the same background over a couple of years: basically kids having fun on their shower time and using Johnsons’ product, here specifically the shampoo.           
     This campaign has been very successful, since kids evoke in adults kind of sympathy and call their attention to their cuteness. Also, the song is very catchy and fun.   
    The unusual thing is that I've never seen such involving and cute commercial for kids like that, so it also calls kids’ attention and makes them memorize the songs. As a part of merchandising, the kid is going to be the main means of communication by singing the songs and insisting to their parents to get one of those shampoos. 


  Hello everybody. How’s it going? Today I would like to show an interesting marketing campaign which has been done by Coca-Cola. This is one of the greatest campaign of “Roll Out Happiness” campaign. The company is looking to make everyday life a little less gray with a new video.

  The video is hosted on the company’s YouTube page and features a Coca-Cola truck rolling out a plot of grass in an area surrounded by buildings. Suddenly, trees and a Coca-Cola machine pop up, attracting the attention of people passing by. In front of the Coca-Cola machine is a sign that says, “To open happiness, take off your shoes.” Once visitors take off their shoes, free bottles of Coca-Cola begin to pop out of the machine, attracting more attention. As the video zooms out, it becomes clear that the grassy area is shaped like a Coke bottle.

  The video is simple and looks fun, and it tells a visual story of happy summer memories like a picnics, outdoors etc… Using the word “grey” in different languages makes the video international.

  As you see people who experience the event, there is happiness, and everybody smiles. “Where Will Happiness Strike?” it is a surprising element of the campaign as everybody could experience it! It also makes the viewer think “I wish I was there”
Takanori Otake
What was it marketing?
  Coca-cola Marketing campaign

How did they market it?
->  Originating in 1886, Coca-Cola has since gone beyond defining American culture and is produced and bottled locally in almost every country.
How did the company become so popular?
It’s true they produce a drink that people enjoy and have bought several other drink companies to expand their variety. But Coca-Cola has always been a king in the marketing world.
What sets them apart from other companies is the memorable ad campaigns they create that seem to stick around for generations.
From cute commercials with baby polar bears to ads that feature popular athletes like Mean Joe Greene, Coca-Cola has always known how to effectively use television as a marketing tool.
A recent Coca-Cola marketing gimmick that has elicited plenty of smiles is a viral video of a special vending machine. Coca-Cola’s “Happiness Machine” has made an appearance in many countries and is receiving incredible online recognition. The ad is sure to invoke laughter; or, at the very least, a smile. After all, the best memories are made of smiles and laughter:

Was there anything unique or unusual about this campaign?

Enjoy a Coke and a Smile

Most consumers will remember humorous ads: think Super Bowl commercials. How many people watch the Super Bowl just for the commercials? The answer: Plenty. It’s great entertainment.
Good commercials make us laugh, and smart marketers know laughter is memorable, making consumers more likely to remember a product and buy it.
No company has been more successful at this approach than Coca-Cola. The creative genius used in their successful Coca-Cola marketing campaigns goes back as far as 1886 and they have been creating clever ads ever since. Coca-Cola learned early how to make its product memorable.

Beautiful Women Can Sell Anything

Using beautiful women to help sell a product is not a new marketing technique. Coca-Cola was founded in 1886 by a pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia, named John Pemberton. He sold his new concoction at a nearby pharmacy, Jacob’s Pharmacy, for just 5 cents a glass.
At that time, a beautiful woman on a poster encouraged consumers to “Drink Coca-Cola.” The beautiful girls in Coca-Cola marketing campaigns became so popular they were eventually featured in the book, “Coca-Cola Girls: An Advertising Art History” by Chris H. Beyer.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, consumers wanted ways to make lives easier and their families happier and healthier.
In 1905, a Coca-Cola ad proclaimed, “Coca-Cola Revives and Refreshes,” and in 1924, an ad that encouraged customers to not only “Refresh Yourself,” but bring an easily carried six-pack home, was also a success. It brought coke to consumer’s homes and marketing fame to Coca-Cola.
By the mid-1920s, convincing customers everyone knew how good Coca-Cola really is was easy with campaigns that proclaimed six million bottles were sold each day. Each marketing slogan Coca-Cola produced seemed to be a hit with consumers and Coke was becoming a household name through its many famous marketing slogans.

Everyone Can Relate to Coca-Cola

In 1931, even Santa Claus was known to enjoy a coke from time to time.
In one ad, Santa Claus removes his stocking cap and announces, “My hat’s off to the pause that refreshes.”
To this day, Santa Claus and Coca-Cola continue to be popular around Christmas time, his busiest time of year. It’s no wonder after delivering all those toys Santa Claus wants to relax and enjoy a refreshing drink like Coke.

You Have a Friend in Coke

Another early and successful Coca-Cola marketing marketing campaign was one that led consumers to believe Coca-Cola was for people ‘just like them.’ Coca-Cola wanted to be “Friends for Life,” according to one slogan. The idea behind the ad was the hope that consumers would want to be associated with a company who considered them a friend.
Once again, the strategy worked. The Coca-Cola company in 1948 expanded on that idea when the company came up with a new slogan: “Where There’s Coke There’s Hospitality.”
Throughout the years, the company strived to evoke the image of friendship and fellowship through its many marketing campaigns, and they largely succeeded.

Even Animals Know How to Sell

Frequently, companies have chosen to use animals to help sell their product and the results have often been successful.
Budweiser, a company that touts themselves as the “King of Beer,” uses horses as their animal of choice. The Budweiser Clydesdales and the spotted Dalmatian who proudly rides in the wagon behind them are singularly recognizable to television viewers.
These commercials are some of the most memorable on television and the Internet, especially during the Super Bowl. Some Budweiser commercials make us smile and some can make us shed a tear, but that is what makes them memorable.
With Coca-Cola, the animal of choice was the polar bear. Ads featuring polar bears were earmarked for worldwide audiences and it worked. Polar bears and Coke enjoyed immense popularity due to this genius campaign.
Along with Santa Claus, polar bears are popular around the holiday season and reappear nearly every year in new commercials during the holidays.
In 1971, Coca-Cola launched the famous ad slogan, “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke.” This campaign featured people from a variety of cultures around the world singing in unity. The commercial and overall campaign were so successful, several requests were made to record the jingle as a hit single:

When the song was finally produced, the company donated all proceeds from the recording to UNICEF, which only added to the company’s positive profile.

Famous Athletes and Performers Enjoy a Refreshing Coke

With the early success of using beautiful women, fictional characters, and animals in their ad campaigns, Coca-Cola began to use famous spokespeople in their ads. Coca-Cola first used a popular musician, Hilda Clark, in 1904.
Since then, Coca-Cola has used many famous people to promote their product, including sports stars, musicians, actors, and actresses.
If you’re looking for a simple way to advertise, how about with a vending machine like Coca-Cola’s most recent clever advertising with the fictitious happiness vending machine? In the video, the company took a common, everyday machine and used it to make millions of people happy.
The ad has been so popular in the U.S. that there is now a similar version going viral in Great Britain.
When watching the ad online, it’s hard not to have a smile on your face. It is this marketing genius that makes consumers remember your product. The best commercials and slogans make us happy — and they are utterly unforgettable.

Following the Coca-Cola Marketing Genius

Coca-Cola does appear to be the king of soft drinks and successful marketing, but there are other companies worth mentioning, too.

Real Beauty for Real Women

Dove is a company that sells beauty products for women. One of their most recent and successful ads, Dove’s Real Beauty, features real-life women. Unlike traditional beauty product ads that feature flawless, thin, beautiful models, the women in these groundbreaking ads have bodies in all shapes and sizes. When real women are featured in beauty ads, real women believe they are beautiful too and are more likely to identify with the advertising campaign.

Cute Marketing Idea

A cute little mandarin orange, known as the clementine, is no different from any other orange in taste and texture. The difference is how the company advertises the orange. Cuties, the name under which they are sold, are specifically marketed to children with its campaign that “Kids love Cuties because Cuties are made for kids.”
While parents are paying the grocery bill, kids are choosing items at the store that appeal to them. The ad appears to be successful, because despite the fact Cuties are more expensive than other oranges, sales are skyrocketing.

Learn From the Success of Coca-Cola

Companies will always find interesting ways to market their product, but they could learn a lesson or two from Coca-Cola: successful ads make a person smile and are memorable. Advertisers have to think about exactly who they want to reach and must find a way to relate to them.
One way to do this is through humor. Make them laugh. Create a jingle they can’t get out of their heads. Make them feel like a special friend. These are tactics Coca-Cola used to successfully market their soft drinks. For over 120 years, Coke has managed to be a recognizable product worldwide due to strategic and clever marketing.
The only two countries where Coke is not officially bought or sold, North Korea and Cuba, may soon find themselves enjoying a Coke and a smile. Eventually the drink’s popularity may find a way in.
Every company’s product is unique, but they have to find a way to market that uniqueness. Brainstorm with your team of advertising professionals, find an animal that no other company has used before, feature children, or do something anthropomorphic. Above all, make it unforgettable!
Follow the Coca-Cola marketing lead and find clever advertising methods or promotions that make your business stick out in customers’ minds. Embrace the spirit of fun. When fun is embraced, smiles and laughter are sure to follow.
Image: Coca-Cola/YouTube

Senador Volstead Beer

The brief was to launch a new beer and have it to be choose instead of the usual one and tasted by new consumers in a very competitive market with huge brands. The strategy was to focus on consumers that aren´t very loyal to only one beer brand, and make them curious about tasting this new beer.

92 years after Senator Volstead, a man who woke once up with a bad mood and decided to start 1920 the prohibition in America. The Senador Volstead beer was created in Spain, with the theme of prohibition. Is there a better way to market the product then by disguising it like in the 1920's?


First thing to do: Serve it like in times of the prohibition, at hidden places.

The second idea was to create a hidden place online. It's one website hidden inside another. How else would you disguise your website if it was 1920's? Granted, the Internet wasn't there to this time. You can hide a thing in many ways, they decided it to disguise it as a teddy bear shop. 

When you visit the website firstly you only see the teddy bear shop. But then...

...the website gives you a hint. The only thing to do is change the size of your window. After a few seconds you'll come to their secret website. It's magic.

I think this is pretty amazing to market a product on a way like this. So that nobody can see your product. It' s a very brave step of the company to do it like this. There are many marketing campaigns in the world, but you may remember only a few. but a think like this you can't forget. You need the right method stick your product in mind of your costumers. They think it's not just about the product it's about creating a new experience.

And finally how can you forget a brand that used the prohibition theme to market their product?


Monday 30 March 2015


Apple watch ,,personal campaign"

Watch is the most personal device what people wearing and what we ever created said CEO Tim Cook .What he didn t say was that it is also the premminent platform for behaivour disgn. Apple knows very well users for their items  {iphon,mac,and other }  the  time  when all users and journalist waited  release of new iphon 6 , Tim Cook  in the end of presentation surprised all with new Apple watch …

You can do almost anything from your wrist with the new Apple Watch.

What slogan apple used:

- Our most personal device yet. describes how much personal the Apple Watch was (in late 2014)

- There’s an Apple Watch for everyone." was a slogan that promoted the three types of Apple Watch  Apple Watch   - Sport, and Apple Watch Edition in late 2014.
- Innovation in every interaction." was used in late 2014 to promote the Apple Watch technology.
- All watches tell time. This one helps you make the most of it." was used in late 2014 to tell about the Apple               watches features
- Start a whole new kind of conversation." described the Apple Watch's Messages app
- Live a better day" advertised the Apple Watch's health features

The company clearly thinks it has a market winning product however, and Apple's Kevin Lynch demonstrated a host of the launch apps on-stage during the show. These included a look at the Glances feature, which enables wearers to read full notifications on their wrist, as well as jump into full versions of apps including social media giants Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Can Apple Disrupt the Luxury Watch Market?

After the initial shock and awe wore off when Apple announced its eye-popping price point for the gold version of its smartwatch – $10,000 to start – speculation turned to which industry and/or industries such a watch would disrupt.

The fitness wearable industry comes to mind first, but then it’s hard to imagine who would wear a $10,000 watch for a sweaty workout. The cheaper versions, though, would work nicely as a disruptor in this space.

But Tim Cook’s goal is much higher than that [selling cheaper      watches to tech aficionados]. It’s not just the reinvention of the smartwatch category, it is the disruption and potential domination of the luxury watch industry that Cook will seek to challenge during 2015.

Was  campaign successful ??  

None of us  can't say anything .. We will see during the year 2015 

#viral video, #funny video

viral video !!!click here!!!

Sunday 29 March 2015

How can we reach a successful result on marketing?

  Media has a huge influence on marketing. Nowadays, we are exposed a lot of media such as social network services, internet, television and even papers, they are not as quite popular as before though.

Social Media

  Definition of marketing is the management process through which goods and services move from concept to the customer. It consists of four elements.
     1      .       Products
     2      .       Price
     3      .       Place
     4      .       Promotional strategy

  In this post, I will say social media marketing and street marketing. Social media was made and it have been used for marketing less than 10 years, of course it is just short time than the history of marketing, however, the influence on market is the biggest.

  Firstly, you might know some internet chat programmes. Among them, Chatroulette was established in 2009. It was not as famous as now, so they organised a live show with an extemporized pianist known as Merton. 

  After that, he uploaded the video on Youtube, his rate in Youtube recorded the highest and also Chatroulette became one of the most famous chat programme. At that time, it was not very common way of marketing.  It was completely new challenge in marketing because at that time it was just first step of social media marketing. Because of this reason, they was able to succeed in getting an enormous fame.

  Secondly, this example is street marketing. Also nearly 5 years ago, worldwide automotive company Volkswagen made an experiment on the road. The campaign name was The Fun Theory. Usually the purpose of marketing is making a good impression on their product or their brand value such as price, technology or sales. However, in this case they installed speed camera on the road, and they estimated the speed of vehicles. If the velocity of car is less than 25mph, the driver can take part in the lottery, so they lowered the average speed on the road 11mph. Therefore, Volkswagen led to reducing the speed, and emphasising the importance of safety and environment. Volkswagen could make a marvellous advertisement or sponsor some famous sports team, but they chose more familiar way to public.

  In conclusion, it means that the important things are one is familiar with public, another is making the difference not same as other marketing. 

Thursday 26 March 2015

Evian’s marketing campaign

What was it marketing?

Evian is the most famous still water in the French market. But what you should know is that Evian is also about 3 times more expensive than other similar brands in France. This gap can be even more important in other European countries where the brand is sold, like UK, Germany, etc. For that reason, they needed to differentiate themselves from their competitors and to increase the brand awareness globally.

How did they market it? Was there anything unique?

'Live Young' is their slogan. Evian's brand is probably now so differentiated and has this premium status thanks to their unique brand communication. They used babies to enhance their values. The advertisement features a group of break-dancing babies and is much more playful than previous ad campaigns. 

This campaign was set to launch simultaneously in FranceUKGermanyBelgiumCanada, US, Russia and Japan. In France, this activity campaign was heavily supported by TV. 
In other markets, the activities of the campaign needed to focus on digital channels, such as:

  • Digital: a full entertainment program was created online, with 2 pre-launch viral movies, a Premiere, a Making Of, and interviews with the babies on YouTube, blogs and the new Evian Live Young website.

  • Public relations: to activate the world’s media and stimulate general interest around the campaign and the brand.
  • Events: Berlin Fashion Week, US Masters etc, to engage consumers locally.
  • TV & Cinema: to leverage the entertainment dimension.
  • Print: to complete the message of the campaign

  • Evian Baby & Me App for smartphones: to give everyone the chance to try the experience for themselves and discover their inner baby

    Evian brand could also be effectively differentiated as a result of their packaging design. Since 1995, Evian has issued limited edition bottles annually with customized design.

    In 2008 they collaborated with Christian Lacroix, and in 2009 with Jean Paul Gaultier, the Hermes creative director. By working with famous designers to create unique and exclusive bottles, Evian positions its brand as high end and fashionable.

    Evian is constantly striving to differentiate their brand.

    How successful was it? What effect did it have on the company?

    The results and effectiveness of this global campaign were seen in a massive, positive public relations noise or buzz around the brand.

    In 2010, the Evian Roller babies campaign was certified by the Guinness World Records as the most viewed online ad of all time with over 165 millions views and counting (20M views in two days, 100M views after 10 weeks, 6.9M shares). The campaign app, which allowed people to “babify” faces, generated 25M baby pictures. Internet users watch the ad three times on average. Ad viewers are three times more likely to go to the Evian website than average.

    The economics results of this campaign were seen in a rise of sales and market share:

    France: +7% in sales.
    UK: +13% in market share.
    Canada: +7% in market share.

    Why do you think this was successful?

    I think it's relevant to mention that Evian, now as a global brand, has a strong esteem in its country of origin and is considered as a strong local brand, which may have helped in its success as a global brand. Consumers in France have known Evian for many years and have developed a close relationship with it.
    However, Evian knew how to make an extremely creative, funny, high-quality and engaging YouTube video, placing the video at the heart of a global digital campaign and take advantage of synergy with TV. With Youtube, they simply uploaded videos and ads to their channel without paying for it. The YouTube channel served as the “television channel” for Evian, which might have saved Evian a great deal of money. What is more, YouTube can be accessible to people all over the world. All it requires is a stable web service. 
    Also, on both ads, they show the effect of Evian by showing people of different races, who can all become young after drinking Evian water, as suggested by the slogan of the brand. The use of multiculturalism is more likely to appeal to people of different races.