Thursday 13 August 2015

Senador Volstead Beer

The brief was to launch a new beer and have it to be choose instead of the usual one and tasted by new consumers in a very competitive market with huge brands. The strategy was to focus on consumers that aren´t very loyal to only one beer brand, and make them curious about tasting this new beer.

92 years after Senator Volstead, a man who woke once up with a bad mood and decided to start 1920 the prohibition in America. The Senador Volstead beer was created in Spain, with the theme of prohibition. Is there a better way to market the product then by disguising it like in the 1920's?


First thing to do: Serve it like in times of the prohibition, at hidden places.

The second idea was to create a hidden place online. It's one website hidden inside another. How else would you disguise your website if it was 1920's? Granted, the Internet wasn't there to this time. You can hide a thing in many ways, they decided it to disguise it as a teddy bear shop. 

When you visit the website firstly you only see the teddy bear shop. But then...

...the website gives you a hint. The only thing to do is change the size of your window. After a few seconds you'll come to their secret website. It's magic.

I think this is pretty amazing to market a product on a way like this. So that nobody can see your product. It' s a very brave step of the company to do it like this. There are many marketing campaigns in the world, but you may remember only a few. but a think like this you can't forget. You need the right method stick your product in mind of your costumers. They think it's not just about the product it's about creating a new experience.

And finally how can you forget a brand that used the prohibition theme to market their product?


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