Thursday 13 August 2015

Johnsons'-catch- kids' campaign
     The marketing campaign which is going to be analysed is from Johnsons & Johnsons.   
     Johnsons’ campaign in Brazil has worked at the same background over a couple of years: basically kids having fun on their shower time and using Johnsons’ product, here specifically the shampoo.           
     This campaign has been very successful, since kids evoke in adults kind of sympathy and call their attention to their cuteness. Also, the song is very catchy and fun.   
    The unusual thing is that I've never seen such involving and cute commercial for kids like that, so it also calls kids’ attention and makes them memorize the songs. As a part of merchandising, the kid is going to be the main means of communication by singing the songs and insisting to their parents to get one of those shampoos. 

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