Saturday 15 August 2015

Are You happy with yourself ?

Dear women,

The following post appeals to all of you :

No matter who you are, where you come from, how old you are or which size you wear.. 


  • That is the main message of Dove’s marketing campaign from April 2013

Seven women were asked to describe their looks. A man behind a cloth listened to them and asked them certain questions about their eyes, their hair, their mouths.. 
This men was Gil Zamora, a Forensic Artist and he drew them without seeing their faces before, just with the information they gave to him.
All women focused on their negative aspects in their face; like a imperfect chin or crinkles.
After Zamora had his first sketch from each women, they left without seeing the picture.

Before the women had to describe themselves, they should get friendly with an other person.

Now, this person entered the room, took a seat and Zamora asked them the same questions, but now they should not describe themselves but the woman they talked to before..

The result is amazing..

In a light gallery, all pictures were pointed at the women who had to describe themselves before.
They had the direct comparison with their own description and the way other people see them.

„I look more happy in the second picture.“ 
„ I look much younger and brighter in the second one.“
„I should be more grateful with my natural beauty.“ 

The women were impressed about by the huge differences between these two pictures and they are all more beautiful than they thought..

Dove created a short movie about this experiment and established it on an own website.
Within three days the videos had over 2.5 million clicks.
Now, two years later it has almost 6 million clicks.
So, you can see, the „real beauty campaign“ was very successful and helped „Dove“ to propagate their name.

Why I think it is successful ?
Short : Because it is authentic. In this video you do not see the thin, perfect looking, young models you normally see in other commercials.
You see real women like you and me.
Dove caught the most sensitive nerve every woman deals with.. No one is hundert per cent happy with their body.
But they should ! 

You are beautiful..  more than you might think !

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