Sunday 29 March 2015

How can we reach a successful result on marketing?

  Media has a huge influence on marketing. Nowadays, we are exposed a lot of media such as social network services, internet, television and even papers, they are not as quite popular as before though.

Social Media

  Definition of marketing is the management process through which goods and services move from concept to the customer. It consists of four elements.
     1      .       Products
     2      .       Price
     3      .       Place
     4      .       Promotional strategy

  In this post, I will say social media marketing and street marketing. Social media was made and it have been used for marketing less than 10 years, of course it is just short time than the history of marketing, however, the influence on market is the biggest.

  Firstly, you might know some internet chat programmes. Among them, Chatroulette was established in 2009. It was not as famous as now, so they organised a live show with an extemporized pianist known as Merton. 

  After that, he uploaded the video on Youtube, his rate in Youtube recorded the highest and also Chatroulette became one of the most famous chat programme. At that time, it was not very common way of marketing.  It was completely new challenge in marketing because at that time it was just first step of social media marketing. Because of this reason, they was able to succeed in getting an enormous fame.

  Secondly, this example is street marketing. Also nearly 5 years ago, worldwide automotive company Volkswagen made an experiment on the road. The campaign name was The Fun Theory. Usually the purpose of marketing is making a good impression on their product or their brand value such as price, technology or sales. However, in this case they installed speed camera on the road, and they estimated the speed of vehicles. If the velocity of car is less than 25mph, the driver can take part in the lottery, so they lowered the average speed on the road 11mph. Therefore, Volkswagen led to reducing the speed, and emphasising the importance of safety and environment. Volkswagen could make a marvellous advertisement or sponsor some famous sports team, but they chose more familiar way to public.

  In conclusion, it means that the important things are one is familiar with public, another is making the difference not same as other marketing. 

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