Thursday 26 March 2015

Luxury Retreats

The email subject line did the first part of the work for us: Who says resolutions can’t be fun?

After clicking the email, subscribers hit a landing page where they could stamp their virtual passport with all the destinations they wanted to visit in the next year.
After dragging and dropping destinations, subscribers were able to save their passports, share it with friends, and get a freebie that they were not expecting—free car rental for their next vacation.
The coolest part for the marketer starts here: now you have a database with all the destinations that your subscribers are thinking about going over the next year. And with that info we retargeted subscribers in January, with a very simple text email, coming from their Travel Luxury Advisor, to dig for more details on their vacation plans.

Campaign Success

The results were great! They were able to convert 40% of the answers into leads that were worked directly by their sales team.
With a little bit of creativity they were able to turn a game into a “lead generator” to start the year with great numbers without bugging their subscribers.
They are already working on their ideas for the 2014 holiday season that will give them the precious data that all marketers crave and the fun and engagement that their subscribers are expecting at this time of year.

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