Thursday 29 May 2014

Polish People

I’m a Brazilian and I used to work as a nanny in a traditional South Polish family. As you might know, we Brazilians are warm and enthusiastic; we always want you to feel comfortable around us. So that is where we start: The Manners and how different they are. Polish from southern Poland are colder and a bit rude sometimes and it took me a while to understand that. Actually, just now in New Zealand I realised that because I've met a guy from northern Poland and he explained me why. Because of the sequence of wars they faced, Poles had a lot of problems relating to lack of food, houses, hospitals and others. They had a really thought life and are still trying to recover. What I mean is, they tend to be more ambitious and pay attention in what you are but also what you have. The most important advice is that you need is to show them that they can trust you before anything else. Soon as you have their trust, they will prove to be wonderful people.

They are really good drinkers. You will always find beer, vodka and wine somewhere in the house. Not forgetting of course about the POTATO! OMG, were packages and packages of potatoes. Besides that, they were healthy people, having the habit of eating organic salads and vegetables in every meal, 3 or 4 serves of fruit every day and chocolate only on weekends. 

Religion is also a good point to talk about, cause they follow all the catholic costumes, going to a Polish church every Sunday, praying before going to sleep and completing the catechism when they are child. In special occasions, they wear their traditional clothes.

This particular family that I lived with admire all forms of art and culture, specially the classic ones. They love to spend their free time going to ballet and classic music concerts, museums and conferences. They are very dedicated and prioritise studies, knowing how to play the piano and violin, two instruments that I consider magnificent.

I could stay all day talking about them, however these are the most important points that I wanted to share. Hope you all enjoyed. 

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