Thursday 1 May 2014

Team building activities around Auckland

Hi Guys, 

After a while without any blog posts, we are coming back this week with plenty of new topics, as Team building activities and “Crowdfunding”.

In my case I choose to introduce some Team building activities around Auckland. There are lots and lots of specialized companies in this kind of service. Not really common 10 years ago, team building activities are getting more and more popular and famous in the business world. Mostly used for creating and developing good relationships between employees working in the same company, these activities can be really useful in the aim of improving partnerships with clients as well.

Auckland remains a perfect place for this kind of activities. Indeed, the CBD is full of SMEs and big companies, and the area is just amazing, I mean, it’s a perfect place for have a team building, notably outside. So, a lot of team building-related companies offer their services in that area. I have selected “Elevate Corporate Team Events” ( Operating nationwide, they were pioneers in New Zealand with more than 15 years of business experience in that field.

I would introduce a particular activity named “Treasure Island”. Employees are facing piratical challenges around various kinds of tasks/team games. First at all, they are boarding a pirate ship routing to the Treasure Island. Once in the island, employees are competing in several games such as Canon ball practice, solving pirate riddles and hunting for the buried treasure. At the end of the day, they will enjoy a tasty on-board BBQ, before setting sail back home.
This kind of team building appears to me like one of the most efficient for multiple reasons. First, everyone is at the same level, I mean, there is no hierarchy once in the island. Teams are made without any discrimination and positions are not taking in account. In that way, you can compete with or against your CEO, or your manager. The proposed games are not commons. It means everyone is at the same level of knowledge and know-how. Hunting a treasure is not really common inside the company… And finally, this kind of team building remains just a way to have fun, breathe fresh air and give your utmost in solving problems in an uncharted environment.  

Maybe it could not be too much to ask Kaplan about taking part at this activity? I mean all students against all teachers ;)

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