Saturday 3 May 2014


Hey” Guy

       In business class this week we learn about crowdfunding is one kind of the collection of finance to create and sell a new product or for a start up company. Crowndfunding involve a variety of participants which bring together the project initiator. How successful was it?, a video engages backers much more directly than text and images alone. We know from directly that projects including a video get successfully funded 50% of the time, while those without are only 30% likely to fund their project. That means that just by including a video, not even the best video ever, you increase your chances of getting funded by over 65%. Not only that, but data from also show that project with a video raise more money, too. As a reward, this is pretty obvious to most people already, but if you're kickstarting a product, having the product included in one of the reward levels is crucial. It's one of the main reasons for most backers, giving their money to most projects. Many people get paranoid when looking at other campaign videos. Often they're afraid because they see the founder of the other project has qualifications or experience they don't. The thing to remember is that the things that make you ideal for your project are usually different to someone else's. So, if you're looking to go out and get great results funding your next Kickstarter project, there are a handful of principles that help the project shoot to stardom on

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