Thursday 29 May 2014



Today we went to a guided tour through Saarbrueken and the interesting part of this tour was not the city, it was the food. Before this guided tour, I didn’t know a lot of things about Saarbruecken (capital of Saarland, Saarland is a state of Germany), so I was really surprised what they eat. They eat quite a bit of potatoes in every kind. In the history of Saarland, there were a lot of mines. So the people have been worked really hard and they needed good and solid food. The tour started in the middle of the city. We visited three different restaurants. In each restaurant you got a part of the dinner. In the first restaurant the entree, in the second the main courses and in the last you got the dessert, but the dessert wasn't of potatoes. The most people of the group were from Saarland, so we didn't lern only about the city and the food, but rather we learnt about the people. How they life, what they like, what they don’t like. They like a lot of beer, a specific beer. It called "Pils" and it is really good. I like it too. The tour was great and the people were really nice and friendly.

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