Saturday 11 June 2016

"TOMS" -Amy-

Most of you guys know TOMS but did someone ever talked about their amazing Marketing Campaigns?

The TOMS Story

  In 2006, TOMS Founder Blake Mycoskie witnessed the hardships faced by children growing up without shoes while he was traveling in Argentina. He wanted to help them, so he created TOMS Shoes, a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a new pair of shoes for a child. One for One.. The simple idea has evolved into a powerful business model that helps health, education and economic opportunity for children and their communities around the world.

I’d like to introduce successful marketing campaigns of TOMS.

1. Create Your Own

 They provide a chance to design your own shoes through their website, Facebook. You just need to message with your design, size and send cash. ($40 per pair of shoes.) You can get your own shoes which make you feel special.

2.    Campaign with Instagram

 Each year, TOMS encourages people to go barefoot for all or part of one day in an effort to increase awareness about the need for shoes. In 2015, they had unique campaign with Instagram. It was just one day which is to post a photo of your barefoot on your Instagram with the hashtag #withoutshoes, and TOMS. They wanted to give everyone an opportunity to “do something good without having to buy.” The implicit message is that the company wants a lot of people to raise awareness for children's health and education.

By doing this, most of people would know that company is called moral enterprise with buying shoes. Also, the important thing is that people can participate in donating by buying shoes they want.

Why are you hesitating?

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