Saturday 11 June 2016

           Have a break , Read this article

HI, there :-)
Recently I've been busy and sometimes I need some snacks to move my body.
At that time, I always have a Kit Kat

By the way...
Do you know what Kit Kat is ?

Yes, This is Kit Kat
I'm pretty sure that almost everybody have eaten this snack when you're child or even now.
Today I'm going to introduce a little bit about Kit Kat unique marketing

Let's start!

Kit Kat is launched by Nestle, which is one of the biggest food company in the world, in 1938
As you already know, nowadays Kit Kat is really famous chocolate snack

You can see this snack in every supermarket or convenient store
The price of this isn't so expensive
you can get this one easily :-)

Actually, these elements are the keys to success of marketing
Nestle focuses on the convenient place where consumers can buy every time and every day

Do you know Nestle send to Kit Kat to the space in 2012?
This event is called "Moment Marketing"
This is the one of big event for Nestle 
They understood how digital tools are useful to share an Idea

IN 2012...
Felix Baumgartner , who is an Australian daredevil, planned to do skydiving from 
THE STRATOSPHERE(which is more than 20 miles above the surface of the earth)
but He had to put off the date of skydiving because of the bad weather several times

At that time 
Kit Kat decided to offer him some moral support with a humorous Facebook post :
"It could be long wait Felix... have a break, have a Kit Kat "

"The post was an instant viral success and we didn't want it to stop there"
said Nestle.

After all
Kit Kat attached a GoPro and a weather balloon was sent to the space by Nestle
while Felix was waiting the good weather
The footage was uploaded on Youtube and it quickly spread across Facebook and Twitter
with the hashtag

As a result...
Facebook: more than 6.5 million views 
Twitter: 10 million impressions

Do you think This marketing is cool?:D

That's all for today, Thank you mates:-)

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