Saturday 11 June 2016


Have you heard this slogan?
I have heard in Japan since I was 10 years old and I liked the sound. Just do it is sounds cool isn’t it.

Today I’m going to talk about the “Just do it” campaign. “Just do it” is a slogan that NIKE has made to advertise their product and encourage us to beyond the limits.

They put this sentence on T-shirts, towels and so on. 

This campaign has started in 1988. At the advertising meeting, Dan Wieden who is the founder of Wieden+Kennedy agency suggest using it. As a result, their share of the North American domestic sport-shoe business has increased enormously from 18% to 43%.Worldwide sales have boosted from $877 million to $9.2 billion in 10 years. In this advertisement, variety of professional athletes such as Roger Federer who is my favorite player, Rafael Nadal and some other professional stars have appeared in commercial advertisement. I like this way to advertise because audiences can enjoy the commercial which a lot of superstars from each major sports appear. And this is one of the biggest reason why "Just do it" campaign succeeded I guess. 

If there is someone who can't decide to do something, just do it!!
See you later.

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