Thursday 9 June 2016

Consumers need stories!!


 I'd like to introduce about 2 major multi-national coke companies’ campaigns, Coca-Cola and Pepsi co. The chart below shows that how many percentages they accounted for in Coke market in 2011. Don't be surprised. Amazingly 7 of 10 cokes in the world were Coca- Cola and Pepsi co in 2011.  

What did make the advertisements unique?

 The source that I found this advertisement was social media. The video was talking about top 10 funniest advertisements in the world. Some people criticized this advertisement for aggressive marketing, but for the others, they are really impressed at this kind of new approach to the customers. 

Anyway, among those advertisements, I was really blown away by one Pepsi advertisement. It intrigues me to look for their relationships, and I did it, indeed. As a result of finding more advertisements of them, I found not boring advertisements, but stories. In my opinion, this aspect differentiates their campaigns from any other companies. These TV commercials directly shows their relationship as competitors. Let's have a look.

As you know, both companies are each company’s major competitor, so they can’t help concerning each other’s marketing strategy, especially on their TV commercials. Luckily, to the customers like me we can enjoy and have a lot of fun through it. 


I would like to introduce the comments after seeing theses advertisements, as well. Carlos Aguilar said "Super funny!!! Love these marketing campaigns! Consumers love a little bit of drama. Which also induces word of mouth and strengths loyalty!" , and Man Leo said " I like both Coca and Pepsi."

I am looking forward to finding more this kind of advertisements.

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