Saturday 18 June 2016

The Perfect 4P Mix

The Perfect 4P Mix

           Thanks to competitive prices, an amazing distribution network, a huge range of products and awesome promotion!!  Budweiser is one of the most important and recognized beer brands in the world. 

They achieve what they want and in this case they have 34% control of domestic beer sales in US

What is different in their Ads?

        Budweiser has always sponsored different sports. One important point is obviously the beer is for adults!! but this brand never forgets The Family.
I think this brand is one of the few beer brands whose ads are family oriented all their ads included animals, all the family enjoy it!

Budweiser always surprises us with innovative advertising which reminds in our memories...


One of the most successful campaigns was 
                                                       #BestBuds #SuperBowl2015

Budweiser’s #BestBuds campaign was the standout campaign of 2015 sponsors of the Super Bowl. This brand mixed idyllic pictures of America country with a little melodrama which involves a cute Labrador puppy and beautiful horse.

#BestBuds has more than 30 million views and ranking at #1 with 1,907,288 shares on Facebook and Twitter.

Saturday 11 June 2016

"TOMS" -Amy-

Most of you guys know TOMS but did someone ever talked about their amazing Marketing Campaigns?

The TOMS Story

  In 2006, TOMS Founder Blake Mycoskie witnessed the hardships faced by children growing up without shoes while he was traveling in Argentina. He wanted to help them, so he created TOMS Shoes, a company that would match every pair of shoes purchased with a new pair of shoes for a child. One for One.. The simple idea has evolved into a powerful business model that helps health, education and economic opportunity for children and their communities around the world.

I’d like to introduce successful marketing campaigns of TOMS.

1. Create Your Own

 They provide a chance to design your own shoes through their website, Facebook. You just need to message with your design, size and send cash. ($40 per pair of shoes.) You can get your own shoes which make you feel special.

2.    Campaign with Instagram

 Each year, TOMS encourages people to go barefoot for all or part of one day in an effort to increase awareness about the need for shoes. In 2015, they had unique campaign with Instagram. It was just one day which is to post a photo of your barefoot on your Instagram with the hashtag #withoutshoes, and TOMS. They wanted to give everyone an opportunity to “do something good without having to buy.” The implicit message is that the company wants a lot of people to raise awareness for children's health and education.

By doing this, most of people would know that company is called moral enterprise with buying shoes. Also, the important thing is that people can participate in donating by buying shoes they want.

Why are you hesitating?

           Have a break , Read this article

HI, there :-)
Recently I've been busy and sometimes I need some snacks to move my body.
At that time, I always have a Kit Kat

By the way...
Do you know what Kit Kat is ?

Yes, This is Kit Kat
I'm pretty sure that almost everybody have eaten this snack when you're child or even now.
Today I'm going to introduce a little bit about Kit Kat unique marketing

Let's start!

Kit Kat is launched by Nestle, which is one of the biggest food company in the world, in 1938
As you already know, nowadays Kit Kat is really famous chocolate snack

You can see this snack in every supermarket or convenient store
The price of this isn't so expensive
you can get this one easily :-)

Actually, these elements are the keys to success of marketing
Nestle focuses on the convenient place where consumers can buy every time and every day

Do you know Nestle send to Kit Kat to the space in 2012?
This event is called "Moment Marketing"
This is the one of big event for Nestle 
They understood how digital tools are useful to share an Idea

IN 2012...
Felix Baumgartner , who is an Australian daredevil, planned to do skydiving from 
THE STRATOSPHERE(which is more than 20 miles above the surface of the earth)
but He had to put off the date of skydiving because of the bad weather several times

At that time 
Kit Kat decided to offer him some moral support with a humorous Facebook post :
"It could be long wait Felix... have a break, have a Kit Kat "

"The post was an instant viral success and we didn't want it to stop there"
said Nestle.

After all
Kit Kat attached a GoPro and a weather balloon was sent to the space by Nestle
while Felix was waiting the good weather
The footage was uploaded on Youtube and it quickly spread across Facebook and Twitter
with the hashtag

As a result...
Facebook: more than 6.5 million views 
Twitter: 10 million impressions

Do you think This marketing is cool?:D

That's all for today, Thank you mates:-)


Have you heard this slogan?
I have heard in Japan since I was 10 years old and I liked the sound. Just do it is sounds cool isn’t it.

Today I’m going to talk about the “Just do it” campaign. “Just do it” is a slogan that NIKE has made to advertise their product and encourage us to beyond the limits.

They put this sentence on T-shirts, towels and so on. 

This campaign has started in 1988. At the advertising meeting, Dan Wieden who is the founder of Wieden+Kennedy agency suggest using it. As a result, their share of the North American domestic sport-shoe business has increased enormously from 18% to 43%.Worldwide sales have boosted from $877 million to $9.2 billion in 10 years. In this advertisement, variety of professional athletes such as Roger Federer who is my favorite player, Rafael Nadal and some other professional stars have appeared in commercial advertisement. I like this way to advertise because audiences can enjoy the commercial which a lot of superstars from each major sports appear. And this is one of the biggest reason why "Just do it" campaign succeeded I guess. 

If there is someone who can't decide to do something, just do it!!
See you later.

Thursday 9 June 2016

Business Strategy of BILCOM's "Breath Mints"

BILCOM is one of Japanese firms which has supplied breath mints products called "FRISK" since 10 years ago. Their campaign to enhance their customers awareness was quite unique, which they gifted just one customer such fresh experiences. After the candidates tweeted "FRISK" on Twitter, the only person was selected from them.

The experiences were following.

1. Give a lift by limousine to prizewinner's office or destination
2.Give unlimited bottles of champagne in limousine 
3.Give live music by a violinist in limousine

This is just such amazing experiences, isn't this??

Consumers need stories!!


 I'd like to introduce about 2 major multi-national coke companies’ campaigns, Coca-Cola and Pepsi co. The chart below shows that how many percentages they accounted for in Coke market in 2011. Don't be surprised. Amazingly 7 of 10 cokes in the world were Coca- Cola and Pepsi co in 2011.  

What did make the advertisements unique?

 The source that I found this advertisement was social media. The video was talking about top 10 funniest advertisements in the world. Some people criticized this advertisement for aggressive marketing, but for the others, they are really impressed at this kind of new approach to the customers. 

Anyway, among those advertisements, I was really blown away by one Pepsi advertisement. It intrigues me to look for their relationships, and I did it, indeed. As a result of finding more advertisements of them, I found not boring advertisements, but stories. In my opinion, this aspect differentiates their campaigns from any other companies. These TV commercials directly shows their relationship as competitors. Let's have a look.

As you know, both companies are each company’s major competitor, so they can’t help concerning each other’s marketing strategy, especially on their TV commercials. Luckily, to the customers like me we can enjoy and have a lot of fun through it. 


I would like to introduce the comments after seeing theses advertisements, as well. Carlos Aguilar said "Super funny!!! Love these marketing campaigns! Consumers love a little bit of drama. Which also induces word of mouth and strengths loyalty!" , and Man Leo said " I like both Coca and Pepsi."

I am looking forward to finding more this kind of advertisements.

What is the seacret of the Nivea cream?

What is the most famous and popular cosmetic cream in the world?

Nivea is a German international skin care company. The company was launched in 1882, and now one of the world's most modern research centres for innovative and high-quality cosmetic products.

As you may know, the trademark "Nivea" become famous around the world after World War II. Nivea comes from the Latin word, meaning 'snow-white'.

In Japan, the Nivea cream has become famous recently. We could see this blue can at every pharmacy stores in Japan. They said the ingredients of this cream are same as an expensive one which celebrities use such as models, Hollywood stars and singers.  

Do you know how the Nivea market the cream and other products? What was their unique or unusual campaigns?

Surprisingly, their promotion has started since 1980s. At first, they distributed free samples with fashion magazines. Later on, the company used other tools; radio, TV, media advertisements.

Here is the good examples for their unique campaigns.

1. Nivea for men
They produced a specific cosmetic product for men, NIVEA FOR MEN. The company analyzed that not only men but also women are important target for this product. Because they sometimes purchase male products for their partners, husbands and sons. The sales rates are still stable since the launch of this male cream.

2. Nivea combination with apps
The smartphone is now necessary device for our lives. The company created a unique kids app using an advert to protect kids from sun. The paper-based adverts is enable you to check to dictate an area outside of which the child cannot stay. Because of this app, a lot of parents feel they are being helped a lot. It was the greatest campaign from the Brazilian advertising agency FCB. This campaign received awards. 

I think this unique marketing catch multi generations customers. To be honest, I have not tried the Nivea cosmetic products. Maybe, should I try those ones since I have lived in New Zealand? What do you think, Kaplan students?