Thursday 18 September 2014


Working in a team is very important. But therefore the team morale should be good. Great teamwork helps in achieving solutions for the most difficult situations in organisations and encourages people to perform more effectively. Teambuilding courses can be used to improve the working atmosphere. If you are looking to build a great team, the foundation lies in selecting the right approach and planning a team building activity that gives results. A team building activity should be chosen carefully to deliver benefits to the organisation and team members.
For example the team could do a cookery course together. There are many advantages of sending teams on a cookery course. It is not a competitive thing and brings people together. Also it helps to break down barriers and cuts across ages, backgrounds and cultures. You don’t need special abilities for cooking. Anyone can take part and they can participate as much or little as they want. Furthermore it feels natural compared to other team-building activities. And at the end there is a tasty meal on offer.
The event group is a nationwide team building company, which offers unique corporate team building activities, fun team building games and stimulating leadership team building challenges in Auckland.
One team building activity in Auckland is “What a Production”.

Using broadcast quality cameras and sound gear industry professionals guide the team to become a production crew creating a commercial or film/television trailer. It is great to reinforce key messages, introduce new initiatives or for just bringing out hidden skills and talents in the team. Viewing of the final product is done on the day and can be part of an after dinner presentation. So everybody works together and has a great and funny time with a nice result at the end of the day.

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