Saturday 20 September 2014

Team building activities.

Team building Activities.
1. Are they useful?
- Yes, because people today need to be more caring and learn to be more collaborative. Nowadays most employees work by themselves because the world is very competitive social. Then they are forced to have to beat other people and to be the best person in their field. They learn how to beat other people since they are children. As a result, they are selfish and autocratic. In my opinion, employees have to learn how to help other people and to collaborate with their peers, not just be combative. So team building activities are useful because that can help them to be unselfish people and more collaborative.

2. How can they help a business?
- Team building can improve social relationships of employees. It can also help them to achieve results, meet goals, accomplish their tasks, break down barriers and create a sense of unit. If they do team building activities, they can develop themselves, leadership ability, learn how to have conversations lots of times with their peer, have the ability to work close together to solve their problems and so on.

3. Find an example of a team.
-One small company in Korea had problems between its employees. Upper management weren’t understanding the behavior of the work force and the work force also had complaints. Then the magnate of that company sent them to team building activities. At first, they still misunderstood each other but when they did one special activity, they could understand each other. The activity that changed there thinking was acting. As they played other positions, they could understand their tasks were difficult and that their behavior was bad for them. After that activity, they had lots of conversation and they could understand and respect each other.
 4. Team building activity in Auckland

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- There are many activities in Rainbow’s End. One of the activities is Amazing Race. Teams race around the Rainbow’s End field and compete with other teams. They can improve their skills to complete their tasks by helping each other. Another activity is Crime Investigation. Their teams work to solve a crime so they can develop their skills of cooperation and innovative problem solving.

They offer opportunities to people who want to improve their team building abilities. They can get a wonderful opportunity of reaching goals and improving teamwork by playing games.

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