Thursday 18 September 2014

Larry Ellison, one of the influent tycoon of the tech industry

 Larry Ellison, known as the co-founder and actual CEO of Oracle Corporation, is one of the magnate who has the most influenced the tech industry, the business world and our daily lives. He is born in 1944 (17 august) in New York City. During the 1970s, he worked for Ampex Corporation and conducted a database project for the CIA named “Oracle”. In 1977, cooperating with two partners, Larry Ellison founded SDL, Software Development Laboratories which would become Oracle Systems Corporation three years later. The company is now known as the second-largest software maker after Microsoft.With its own brands of database system, Oracle helps everyone about every time you used a credit card, book a hotel online or get a prescription drug.
Last year, Ellison funded the U.S. sailing team in the America's Cup sailing race. He took a big gamble that finally paid : after loosing 8-1 against the NZ Team in a 17-race competition, the Oracle Team USA made the greatest comeback ever seen since 1983 and finally won the race. It is estimated that Ellison spent more than $100 million on the catamaran to catch up.

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