Wednesday 24 September 2014

Team building

Companies become more and more complexity, what means they become more and more interconnected and as a result, the working structures become strongly cross-departmental. Shorter development times as well as an optimized product quality management, customer-oriented service concepts and flat hierarchy are essential requirements in order to cope with market conditions, which are constantly changing.

Based on these factors, it is very important for companies to have excellent skilled employee in order to manage all these different difficult situations and issues, because all employees decide about success and failure of their company, not only one team member. When people, with very different personalities and backgrounds, are working for the same organization or department, the company can run into problems when these personalities clash.

Because of that, it is very important that each team member knows their own skills and abilities in order to use synergies as well as similarities to enable a successful collaboration in their team. The individual behavior and the awareness of each employee are critical factors to get on with colleagues and have a successful collaboration. Finally, clear goals and distinct distribution of roles enable an efficient collaboration and are the basis for a good team work. It is useful to use the complementarity of the different characters of each employee in order to improve the team success.

For employees, it is easy to recognize this theoretically, but the practical implementation is often difficult. Only the practical experience helps employees to understand the process of team building exactly and give rise to a better team orientating as well as a better self-image. The participants have fun to learn and discover new silks and they are involved actively in a process, which includes a lot of facets of the human awareness, which means thinking, action and emotional and physical experience.

In order to become a successful team building process, a specific team composition and clear goals are important. It is recommended to analyze the company well as well as the structure of each department, the basic conditions of the team and the aims. A demand-orientated training is also important as well as information, if participants have any fears or suggestions. During the training process the outcomes have to be fixed and after some months, a follow-up is necessary.

A team building process is in different phases in a process meaningful and can support theses phases successfully. Especially, teambuilding is very important during the structure of new project groups, cross-departmental cooperation, implementing of new employees and structural changes.  These points are important for all organizational-ladder.

The team motivating for new goals increases, the existing communication structures will be improved and the solving of conflicts will be revised. As a result, teams could reach a higher identification with the company culture and a better we-feeling. Likewise, all these points promote homing processes, motivation, team strategy, the creating of behavioral codes as well as the balance of the self-image and the image of others.

For instance, leaders are supported to build and create new working and project teams and an employee can train abilities like communication skills and empathy and as a result, the overcoming of conflict and stress situations.

Some companies offer such training in NZ and in Auckland, for example:

Additionally, if such trainings are offered in the nature, for example in a forest, the motivation will increase and the creativity will foster because of the unfamiliar and foreign environment.

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